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Colorado Government

Information from the State of Colorado

Budget and Finance: Colorado

Annual Report. Colorado Department of Revenue. 1951-4, 1957-61/62, 1964-65, 1967-75, 1977-80, 1989-90, 1995, 1997- REV 1.1/ Doc Ref (latest); earlier years in Colorado Docs. Also Microfiche 1975-77, 1979-85, 1990 Annual Report Online 2004-

Detailed data on revenue sources. The Department of Revenue collects taxes, issues state identification cards, enforces Colorado laws to do with gaming, liquor, tobacco, racing, auto dealers, and marijuana. Responsible for the Lottery. The 2014 annual report includes a list of new laws (with a brief summary) that the Department of Revenue must take into account. Traffic penalty assessments (number and dollar amount), information on number of examinations taken, voter registration, auto industry enforcement (dealer licenses,etc.), gaming enforcement, marijuana enforcement (e.g. licensed business by county), sales and use tax collections (income, alcohol, tobacco, motor fuel, and more.

County and Municipal Financial Compendium. Colorado Division of Local Government. 2001- .

Compendium is divided into three files: one for counties, another for municipalities and the third has totals.

Colorado State and County Retail Sales by Standard Industrial Classification. HF5429.4 .C6C62b 1984, 1990-91, 1994-2006 Journal Room and Storage Access. See more recent years online in Retail Sales Report.

The Retail Sales Report is divided by 1) Colorado Retail Sales and Sales Tax Summaries which are subdivided by: Monthly County Summaries (Industry 2013- , County 2010- ); Quarterly City Summaries (Industry 2013- , City 2009- ); Quarterly County Summaries (2009- ); Fiscal Year City and County Summaries (2008/9- ); and Calendar Year City and County Summaries (2009- ) 2) Colorado Selected Retail Sales Reports which are subdivided by: Colorado Retail Building Material Summary (2009- ); Colorado Restaurant Sales Summary (2009- ); and Colorado Moto Vehicle Sales Summary (2009- ). (As of 12/15).

Appropriations Report. Joint Budget Committee. Colorado General Assembly. 1964/1965,1987/1988,1989/1990-  GA3.9/  Latest in Doc Ref earlier years in Colorado Docs; Archives has 1978/1979-1982/1983,1985/1986-1990/1991 located at HJ 7561 .A2

The Appropriation Report is extensive. The online Appropriations Report: Fiscal Year 2013-14 (PDF) contains an overview, department summaries, department details, appendices, and index totaling 655 pages. Appropriations Report Fiscal Year 2015-16 has 714 pages.

Budget in Brief. Colorado General Assembly. Joint Budget Committee. 1993/94- GA3.9/2  latest year in Docs Ref; earlier years in Colorado Docs. Annual. Budget in Brief online Fiscal Year 2014-15.

The Budget in Brief "includes financial facts and other information about Colorado government agencies and programs." Booklet aims "to answer frequently asked questions". See the Appropriations Report for more detail.

Long Bill Narrative. Joint Budget Committee. Colorado. General Assembly. 1988/1989-1992/1993,1994/1995-2000/2002,2003/2004-2005-2006,2008-2009,2010- GA3.10/  latest years in Docs Ref; earlier years in Colorado Docs. Microfiche 1977/78-1986/87 and Archives 1999-2000-2009-10. Annual. Budget package and Long Bill Narrative ([PDF] new name) online from 2009/10 along with final Long Bill Narrative 2008/9.

Budget package overview, Long Bill narrative, Summary of Companion Bills to the Long Bill, and Appendices.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. State of Colorado. Office of State Controller. PA8/2.11/  Colorado Docs   [Note: ADM5.15  before 2002]   Comprehensive Annual Financial Report also online.

Annual state financial statements and statistics.

See also Colorado State Budget Basics 2015 (PDF) from the Colorado Fiscal Institute. 25 pages provide an introduction, budget process and actors, the budget, and limits on revenue and spending.

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Jocelyn Boice
Colorado State University
1019 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
(970) 491-3882
Subjects: Botany, Zoology

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