ETS Test Link (online)
A database of 25,000+ tests and measurement devices (1900s to the present).
*See How to Search.
Mental Measurements Yearbook (online)
A comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership. All MMY entries contain descriptive information (e.g., test purpose, publisher, pricing) and edited review(s) written by leading content area experts.
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences
Compiled by Helen Hough, Health Sciences Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington.
Test Critiques (print)
Vol. 11 (2005) is the most recent volume. Includes cumulative indexes.
CINAHL (online)
CINAHL provides indexing and abstracting for over 1,600 current nursing and allied health journals and other publications.
*Limit your search using the Publication Type limit: select Questionnaire/Scale, or Research Instrument.
ERIC (online)
ERIC covers all aspects of education.
*Limit your search using Publication Type limit: select Tests/Questionnaires.
PsycINFO (online)
Citations and summaries in the field of psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines.
*See In search of tests & measures (online tutorial with audio; 02.59 min)
*See Using the classification codes (online tutorial with audio; 02:45 min) and see the list of classification codes
These resources identify, describe, and/or reproduce instruments.
Assessment of exceptional students: educational and psychological procedures (2006; print)
Assessment scales in depression, mania, and anxiety (2005; print)
Bibliography on psychological tests used in research and practice in sport and exercise psychology (2002; print)
Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests (2000; print)
Communication research measures: a sourcebook (1994; print)
Communication research measures II: a sourcebook (2009; print)
Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment (2004; print)
Death anxiety handbook: research, instrumentation, and application (1994; print)
Exacting beauty : theory, assessment, and treatment of body image disturbance (1999; print)
Directory of psychological tests in the sport and exercise sciences (1996; print)
Encyclopedia of psychological assessment (2003; print)
Handbook of assessment methods for eating behaviors and weight-related problems: measures, theory, and research (2009; print)
Handbook of clinical rating scales and assessment in psychiatry and mental health (2010; online)
Handbook of family measurement techniques (2001; print)
Handbook of marketing scales : multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research (1999; print)
Handbook of organizational measurement (1986; print)
Handbook of psychological assessment (2016; online)
Handbook of psychiatric measures (2008; print)
Handbook of research design & social measurement (2002; print)
Handbook of sexuality-related measures (2011; print)
Handbook of tests and measurements for black populations (1996; print)
Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences (2000; print)
Measurement of love and intimate relations : theories, scales, and applications for love development, maintenance, and dissolution (1993; print)
Measures for clinical practice and research: a sourcebook (2007; print)
Measures of job satisfaction, organisational commitment, mental health, and job-related well-being: a bench-marking manual (2008; online)
Measuring health: a guide to rating scales and questionnaires (2006; print)
Measuring health: a review of quality of life measurement scales (2005; print)
Measuring violence-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors among youths : a compendium of assessment tools (2005; online)
Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes (1991; print)
Measures of political attitudes (1999; print)
Oxford handbook of personality assessment (2009; online)
Positive psychological assessment : a handbook of models and measures (2003; print)
Tests: a comprehensive reference for assessments in psychology, education, and business (2008; print)
The achievement test desk reference (ATDR): comprehensive assessment and learning disabilities (2002; print)
The sourcebook of nonverbal measures going beyond words (2005; online)
Understanding and assessing trauma in children and adolescents: measures, methods, and youth in context (2008; print)
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