Periodical databases
- ERIC* Covers all aspects of education as published in conferences,government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs. (1966 to present)
- PsycINFO* A research database published by the American Psychological Association (APA). Educators and education researchers can use it to locate research in the behavioral and psychological aspects of education. A resource guide for Education resesearch and a more general Quick Reference guide. Video tutorials on various database features.
- MEDLINE* Includes bibliographic citations and abstracts for clinical medical literature on medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues, and health care services.
- Web of Science Multidisciplinary database covering journal articles and conference proceedings in arts and humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
*These and many other subject-specific EBSCOhost databases can be searched simultaneously by selecting Choose Databases at the upper left-corner of each of their respective search screens.
For more: A-Z Database List: Education
- A Preprint Server For The Education Research CommunityA free, open source, non-profit service that allows researchers to post and search working papers, unpublished work, conference materials, and articles under review (preprints).
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