CSU Extension
Research help for CSU Extension faculty/staff.
Recommended Databases
Search these Agriculture, Natural Resources, Food Science, or Education databases for journal articles (most articles in these databases are scholarly/peer reviewed). This is just a short list of databases available. See our complete list of databases.
- Web of ScienceScholarly/peer reviewed journals in all areas of natural resources, agriculture, sciences, and more. (Note: Don't use IE, use another web browser.)
- CAB Abstracts (1973 - present)Provides access to research and development literature in the applied life sciences, including agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine and the environment.
- AGRICOLAContains bibliographic records related to agriculture from the USDA's National Agricultural Library.
- ERIC (1966-present)Covers all aspects of education as published in conferences,government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs
- Food Science and Technology AbstractsCovers all areas of food science, food technology, and human nutrition.
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries AbstractsCovers all aspects of aquatic resources. Includes serials and journals, books, reports, conference proceedings, translations, and limited distribution literature.
These databases can be accessed without a CSU eID:
- PubAgSearch engine for literature published by USDA scientists. From the National Agriculture Library.
- Treesearch (U.S. Forest Service Database)Online search for U.S. forest service publications, some documents include online links.
- PubMed (National Library of Medicine)The full-text access to many articles is available through CSU, so make sure to go through the library! You will always have access to this database, even after leaving CSU, but you will only get access to all the full-text when coming in through CSU Libraries.
Helpful Links
- Library HomepageBegin your research here to ensure you get access to everything available to you!
- Off-Campus Access to Library ResourcesLearn how to get access to library resources while off-campus.
- Interlibrary LoanMake requests for materials through local document delivery and interlibrary loan.
- Mountain Scholar (CSU Digital Repository)Open access showcase of research, scholarship, and creative works of Colorado State University faculty, students, and academic staff.
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