Citation Styles
Many citation styles exist - guides for a few common ones are listed here. If you are unsure which style to use, consult your professor.
Online Citation Style "Quick Guides"
- Purdue Online Writing LabBrief explanations and examples for citing in APA, Chicago, or MLA styles.
- Scientific Style and Format (CSE Style) Citation Quick GuideExamples of the most frequently cited source types, from the makers of the official manual.
Official Style Guides
- Chicago Manual of StyleFull online access to the Chicago Manual of Style,
17th edition.
The Chicago Manual of Style
16th edition.MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
7th Edition.
In print at Morgan Library.Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by American Psychological Association
In print at Morgan LibraryScientific Style and Format (CSE Style)
8th edition.
In print at Morgan Library.
- Style Guides at CSU LibrariesGuides for citing sources in other styles.
Tools for Organizing and Citing Your Sources
The following tools can help you to cite information sources. Check the citations generated by these tools for accuracy before you use them.
Online Citation Generators
Choose a citation style, a type of information source, and plug in the bibliographic information (title, author, etc.) that is requested. A complete citation is created from the information that you enter.
- KnightCiteWorks with MLA, APA, and Chicago citation styles. From the Hekman Library at Calvin College.
- Citation BuilderWorks with MLA, APA, Chicago, and CSE styles. From the North Carolina State University Libraries.
Database Citation Tools
Many databases have tools that will generate citations for materials found in the database. Usually there is an option to either cut and paste the formatted citation or export the information to citation management software.
The tools will be slightly different in each database and will appear in different places. You may need to explore a little bit to find them. Icons from the Gale Virtual Reference Library and Academic Search Premier are shown below.
Citation Managers
Citation management software allows users to organize and store information about sources that are found during literature research. References can then be easily inserted into written works and formatted in many different citation styles. This type of software is especially useful for large research projects. A few popular options are listed below with links for more information.
- EndNote / EndNote BasicUse the free web version or purchase the software. CSU Libraries offers classes and support.
- ZoteroA free, browser-based tool.
- MendeleyAlso free, aimed toward the sciences, and has social media components.
- Compare the ToolsA comprehensive comparison of various citation management tools from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Using Sources
- The Writer's Handbook - Quoting and ParaphrasingThis handbook from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center shows "how to properly integrate information from published sources into your own writing" with brief explanations and useful examples about paraphrasing sources and using quotations.
Writing Help
- CSU Writing CenterThe CSU Writing Center provides help to members of the CSU community during any phase of writing. In person or online services are available, and drop-ins are welcome.
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