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Computer Repair Center: Staff Policies

Guidelines for DoIT’s Technical Support Services Department (Central I.T. Technical Support Helpdesk and Computer Diagnostic Center) for Student Employees


  1. BE PROACTIVE. Your highest priority is to assist customers. When you arrive on your shift, first assist any walk-in customers who are waiting. Then check the Central Ticketing System for phone messages, make sure that no one is waiting for a call back based on prior electronic tickets, and finally email messages within the same system. Respond first to the earliest received questions to which you know the answers, and then if no walk-in customers are waiting, start researching the questions to which you don’t know the answers. There are many resources that you can use, such as the DoIT website, Google CSU, Housing Technology website, and even Google search engine for Internet. You should be very familiar with the information provided on the DoIT website and services. Talk to your peers about the questions to see if they are familiar with the problem.   
  2. DESK PROTOCOL. If you are the only one present during a shift or at the start of a shift, covering the main Computer Diagnostic Center Desk (CDC) takes priority over the Call Center (CC) if customers are present until another student workers arrive. Students working at the CDC or in the CC are not permitted to work on homework until all job-related tasks are complete. This includes all the items mentioned in point #1. If you are new to the desk and can’t answer questions, during slow times take the opportunity to learn about the web sites that will help you answer future questions. Please, no prolonged visiting with friends or non-scheduled staff. Be aware that personal conversations at the CDC or CC can be distracting to library users. Be especially aware when the Reference Librarians are assisting patrons in the other offices located by CC. If you need to make personal phone calls, make them quick and no prolonged personal calls. This includes cell phone calls and texting. If we find that CC and CDC responsibilities are not being met due to non-work related activities, those activities will be banned entirely. Use of any personal digital devices and/or playing computer games anytime during your shift is unacceptable. Your reason for employment is to assist users with technical issues; nothing should distract you from this assignment
  3. CUSTOMER SERVICE IS KEY. If you are helping a walk-in customer and the phone rings, it is okay to let the phone go to voice mail. Don’t forget to check the phone after you have completed assisting the live customer.  An important exception is if the phone rings and it’s a special ring tone indicating a forwarded call from Classroom Support Services.  Explain to your customer that this is a classroom emergency and you must take the call. If you are asked a difficult Library question, refer users to the Library Information Desk, especially when they need assistance with Library research.
  4. NETID. If a student, faculty or staff member does not remember/know their NetID, do not give it out unless they are here in person with a picture ID. If they have forgotten their password and had answered their 3 security questions, refer them to the eid.colostate web site. If they have not answered the 3 security questions, students should be referred to the Registrar’s Office. Faculty and staff can bring a picture ID to the CDC and one of the full-time staff can help them reset their NetID or they can call HR for over the phone assistance.
  5. UNIVERSITY PROPERTY. As an employee of the University, you have ready access to phones, computers, photocopiers and a variety of other equipment. Please be aware that University (and State of Colorado) rules prohibit personal use of University equipment and supplies
  6. KEEP IT CLEAN. Please keep the CC and CDC area clean and tidy. When working on a computer within the CDC and its work has been completed, place it in the black cabinet – do not leave it lying on the workbench overnight if possible.
  7. LOCKERS. There are lockers available within the CDC. All personal items must be stored in these lockers during your shift so the working space is kept available and presentable. On weekends, since the doors into this area are locked and/or secured, personal belongings should be placed in the cubby under the desk in your work area.
  8. LABEL ITEMS. When computers, power supplies, and other peripherals are being left in the CDC or waiting to go to the Repair Center, be sure to apply accurately completed, stick-on labels in case items get separated.  The CDC or CRC do not accept bags of any kind, please do not check them in.
  9. BE THOROUGH. Appropriate physical and electronic paperwork must be created for all computers checked into the CDC or CRC, and any work you have done on computers must be clearly documented (include your name or initials) so there is never any question about the status of a computer. This is really important as shifts change often throughout the workday. Invoices created in the central ticket system must also be accurately completed with close attention to details, so as to avoid common mistakes, such as transposing numbers, skipping an important piece of information, OS passwords, etc.
  10. LOG QUICK TICKETS. As you help customers or patrons, record all actions within the CC and CDC i.e. Quick Tickets. This will give us an accurate snapshot of our workday and support our need for staffing levels. Do not wait until the end of your shift and try to input all your contacts, as we need to associate workflow with time of day.
  11. YOU REPRESENT THE LIBRARY. Please be professional, courteous and alert in your contacts with users. Take the time to learn more about the Library services and processes, and the duties associated with them. Professional and appropriate dress attire is expected. Hats and offensive t-shirts should not be worn. As a representative of the Library, we expect you to present yourself in a professional manner.


  1. If you have a planned absence and will miss a shift, is your responsibility to find your own replacement and let your supervisor know ahead of time. It is not sufficient to simply let your fellow consultants know. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO FIND A SUBSTITUTE.  Send an appropriate message to the "Scheduling" channel in MS Teams; include the date and time of the shift you need covered. When messaging in the Scheduling channel, make sure to use "@CTSS ACNS Technical Support Services". You can ask for someone else to take the shift or offer a trade. Once you have found a replacement, be sure to write the information on the paper calendar at the desk, and send a reply thank you message to the distribution list so everyone knows the shift has been covered. If you have difficulty finding a replacement, please give your supervisor 2-3 days notice.
  2. If you miss a shift for which you are responsible and have not arranged for a replacement, the following consequences will occur:
    1st time – written warning
    2nd time – written warning, meeting with supervisor(s) and placed on probation
    3rd time – termination
    If you have an emergency, be sure to contact a supervisor. Exceptions may be granted for unexpected occurrences that are deemed a true emergency.
  3. If you are ill or have an emergency, be sure to call your supervisor (if there is no answer, leave a message) and send an email to the distribution list:
  4. Please be considerate of your co-workers. If you need to leave a few minutes early to get to a class, or if you will arrive a few minutes late from a class, please make arrangements with co-workers or a supervisor to cover the desk. If you are running late after a class due to a course-related issue, please exercise the courtesy of calling CC, CDC and CRC or e-mailing the appropriate contact lists. If you do not get an answer, then call a supervisor or manager – if there is no answer, please leave a message.
  5. You are expected to be on time for scheduled shifts. Habitual tardiness will be addressed in a manner similar to missed shifts. It is not acceptable to stay later after your shift ends to make up time for lost wages.
  6. Schedule flexibility is essential. While we try our hardest to make schedules that are satisfactory for everyone, we do have hours that we are required to staff. Student employees are expected to work all shifts including morning and weekends as necessary. Refusal to work such hours can lead to dismissal or the decision to not rehire.


You may bring tightly covered beverages to the Front Desk or the CDC. Small, dry snack foods will be permitted, but should be eaten discretely and away from the Front Desk.  All other food is prohibited; if this policy is abused, food will be banned entirely from the area.  If you need to eat breakfast or lunch etc…, please clock out and go to the courtyard, Morgan’s Grind or to the second floor break room (RM216) to eat. 


Student assistants are hired for one semester at a time with the agreement to rehire each subsequent semester based on above average performance and schedule flexibility. Rehire priority will be given to work study recipients.


The Libraries' users expect quality service and courteous assistance during the hours posted at the service desks.  Failure to cover your shift or find a replacement, chronic tardiness, or unwillingness to fulfill the service expectations are reasons for being placed on probation (with denial of pay increases) and may result in termination.