In addition to the many government topics listed to the left and described below, the Federal Government gateway sites provide access to additional information encompassing broader topics.
Find Books
Government documents available through the CSU Libraries are fully cataloged in PRIMO. They are shelved under Superintendent of Documents Classification, a separate call number system that's based on federal agency. For example, documents published by the Department of the Interior will be shelved under call numbers beginning with "I".
PRIMO - This is the standard tool to search for books and other materials in the CSU Libraries.
Prospector - Request and delivery system for books, videos and other materials from libraries throughout Colorado. CU Boulder is the Regional Depository Library and has a comprehensive government publications holdings--and these are found in the Prospector catalog.
Interlibrary Loan
Use Interlibrary Loan to obtain articles and papers from journals and conference proceedings not owned by C.S.U. The service can also be used to obtain books and other materials not available in the C.S.U. Library or through Prospector.
Your Librarian

1019 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019