Government (U.S.)
Agency Web Sites
- USGS Home PageA starting point for a wealth of information, including science information pertaining to each state.
- USGS Publications WarehouseAllows for keyword, title, author, and series searches of citations to USGS publications beginning with 1882. "Contents" tab is especially useful for browsing major publications series, such as the "Professional Papers." Recent publications are often online.
- Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) CenterProvides data and downloadable maps on land, oceans and climate.
- Energy Resources ProgramAssessments of coal, oil, and natural gas resources in a geologic framework.
- The National MapAn interactive topographic map of the US.
- USGS Libraries ProgramBibliographic listings for over 325,000 items from USGS and associated scientific disciplines.
Water Resources
- National Water ConditionsUseful for historic maps back to 1929.
- National Water Information System : Web Interface (NWIS)The best USGS starting point for water resources data.
- Summary of Selected Characteristics of Large ReservoirsA metadata site for expert users.
- USGS Hydro-Climate Data NetworkStream flow data for the study of climate variations.
- USGS Water-Quality InformationThis topics page provides a starting point for identifying USGS resources for learning about high-profile national water-quality issues and/or water-quality topics of general interest.
- USGS Water Data DiscoveryThis USGS umbrella site has links to each state, among other resources.
- USGS Water Science SchoolThis interactive website offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where students can give opinions and test their water knowledge.
- Water Use in the United StatesEstimated Use of Water in the United States The reports cover 1950-2005.
- Water-Data ReportsOnline USGS reports on water resources, arranged by state.
- WaterWatchMaps and data for current water conditions in a variety of categories.
Miscellaneous Resources
- USGS Geo Data Portal (GDP)Project provides scientists and environmental resource managers access to downscaled climate projections and other data resources that are otherwise difficult to access and manipulate.
- Guide to USGS Publications. Z6034 .U49G943 RefEspecially useful for geology maps. Also includes Bulletin and Professional Paper series, but excludes other series. 1998 edition located in Reference; 1996-1997 located in Maps.
- Minerals Yearbook. I 19.165 Doc RefLatest in Doc Ref. Earlier years back to 1932 are at this call number in the document stack area. Those from 1882 to 1931 are in storage at either I19.8 or I28.37. Also available online.
- Publications of the Geological Survey. I 19.14 Doc RefA print alternative to the Publications Warehouse for publications from 1879 through 2000.
- Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources. I 19.202: ST1 Doc RefA survey by topic and region with text and graphics. Published in 1998. Online access also available from Sage record.
USGS Series available in CSU Libraries
The CSU library has a major collection of USGS publications. Series names, call numbers, and basic holdings are listed below. Note that recent issuances for many series are online at the sites above. The number for the individual item in the series normally follows the colon in the call number.
- Geological Survey Bulletin. I 19.3: Doc1884- Recent issuances are usually online only. Some older bulletins are on microfiche.
- Geological Survey Circular. I 19.4: Doc1933- Recent issues are usually online.
- Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. I 19.9: Doc 1882-1903
- Water Supply Paper. I 19.13: Doc1897- Some are on microfiche.
- Geological Survey Professional Paper. I 19.16: Doc1902- Some are on microfiche.
- Water Resources Investigations Report. I 19.42/4: Doc1972- Some are on microfiche.
- U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report. I 19.53/2: Doc1962-2001 Colorado only. The collection includes microfiche as well as paper copy. Recent years for all states are online.
- U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. I 19.76: Doc1943- . Recent reports are online. Many reports are also on either microfiche or CD-ROM. Online reports can be found searching for "Open-File Report" at USGS Publications Warehouse.
Geologic Maps ("Packet Maps")
These USGS maps are not to be confused with the USGS topographic maps. Instead, they deal with geology and in the CSU library are folded and packaged in manila sleeves (hence, the phrase "packet maps"). They are shelved by call number and map number in the map collection. The map number follows the colon in the call number. Guide to USGS Publications (Z6034 .U49G493 1998 Ref Desk) describes geology maps to 1998. Important series and their call numbers are listed below.
- Land Use and Land Cover. I 19.112:L- Map
- Coal Investigations. I 19.85:C- Map
- Geologic Quadrangle. I 19.88:GQ- Map
- Geophysical Investigations. I 19.87:GP- Map
- Hydrologic Investigations Atlas. I 19.89:HA- Map
- Mineral Investigations Resource Maps. I 19.90:MR- Map
- Miscellaneous Field Studies. I19.113:MF- Map
- Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations. I 19.91:I- Map
- Miscellaneous Investigations Series (Geological Survey (U.S.)). I 19.91:I- Map
- Oil and Gas Investigations Charts. I 19.92:OC- Map
- Oil and Gas Investigations Maps. I 19.93:OM- Map
- Reconnaissance Geologic Map (Antarctic Research Program). I 19.25/8: Map
- Scientific Investigations Map. I 19.91/3: Map
- State Hydrologic Unit Maps. I 19.89/2: Map
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