Health Table of Contents
Public and Environmental Health (section contents)
- Environmental Health
- Health Education
- Health Insurance
- Household Sanitation & Hygiene
- Occupational/Vocational Health
- State Departments of Health
- Vaccines and Immunizations
Mental and Social Health (section contents)
Health of the Human Body (section contents)
- Health Gov Info (gathered)
- Diseases (Overall/Overview)
- Diseases, Cancer
- Diseases, Cardiovascular
- Diseases: Ear, Nose, & Throat
- Diseases, Eyes
- Diseases, Lungs
- Diseases, muscles & skeleton
- Disease, various organs (glands, etc.)
- Diseases: HIV, AIDS
- Physical Health
- Sexual Health
- Weight, BMI
- Food-Health
- Water and Health
Non-Human Health (section contents)
Public and Environmental Health
This section covers the environment that surrounds humans and its impact on health. CSU affiliates can read about Ethics and Legal Issues of Public Health in The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.
- Environmental Health
- Health Education
- Health Insurance
- Household Sanitation & Hygiene
- Occupational/Vocational Health
- State Departments of Health
- Vaccines and Immunizations
Environmental Health
The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health may be a useful place for CSU affiliates to learn more about environmental health. It covers "recent and historic natural and man made environmental health events, environmentally related health conditions and diseases, Important public health practices, environmental terms, and significant organizations and legislation. It addresses environmental health concerns with a global perspective."
Environment, Health, and Safety — Subcontractors Documents. NREL.
Requirements for subcontractors: "It is important that all subcontractors and their lower-tier subcontractors familiarize themselves with these requirements before submitting proposals and/or environment, health, and safety plans for the work to be performed on NREL sites." Manuals, tables, forms, and plans.
The Environment & Your Health. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Links to government sites. Brief annotations.
Environmental Health: CDC Features. Also Salud Ambiental.
Current year's topics on various themes to do with weather and toxins in the home.
Environmental Health.
Goal: "Promote health for all through a healthy environment." Six themes: "1. Outdoor air quality 2. Surface and ground water quality 3. Toxic substances and hazardous wastes 4. Homes and communities 5. Infrastructure and surveillance 6. Global environmental health." Overview, objectives, interventions & resources, and national snapshots.
Environmental Health. Medline Plus.
Basics (for example: Prevention and Risk Factors), learn more, research, resources, information for children and teenagers.
Environmental Health Service. Federal Occupational Health (FOH). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"The FOH Division of Environmental Health Services offers a wide variety of services including: Environmental Regulatory Compliance; Environmental Reference Laboratories; Industrial Hygiene; Safety & Health; Indoor Air Quality; Personal Protective Equipment; Respiratory Protection; Environmental Surveys; Asbestos/Lead Detection, Monitoring and Abatement and ; Occupational Safety and Health Training Programs."
Environmental Health Topics. National Institute of Environmental Health Services.
Spotlight, featured topics, and A-Z list of health topics (e.g. air pollution, ginkgo, lead, mold, and weather extremes.
Environmental Health (USGS Mission Areas). U.S. Department of the Interior.
Topics may include: featured science activities;l program highlights; news; publications.
EPA's Report on the Environment (ROE). EPA.
"EPA's Report on the Environment (ROE) shows how the condition of the U.S. environment and human health is changing over time. The purpose of the 80+ ROE indicators is to help answer 23 questions critical to EPA's mission of protecting the environment and human health. Thus, it is a priority of the EPA to provide updates to the ROE indicators frequently to provide the public with the latest available data. The ROE represents the best available indicators of national trends in five theme areas": air; water; land; human exposure & health; and ecological condition. ROE Glossary.
Human Health. Chapter 9. 2014 National Climate Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research Program.
"Climate change threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including impacts from increased extreme weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, and illnesses transmitted by food, water, and diseases carriers such as mosquitoes and ticks."
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH). Environmental Health Topics. CDC.
A-Z index and around 23 select overview topics: air quality to vessel sanitation.NCEH "plans, directs, and coordinates a program to protect the American people from environmental hazards. We promote a healthy environment and prevent premature death, avoidable illness and disability caused by non-infectious, non-occupational environmental and related factors. We are especially committed to safeguarding the health of vulnerable populations – such as children, the elderly, and people with disabilities – from certain environmental hazards." More resources cover a variety of topics; includes infographics, some in Spanish.
Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security.
Services, reporting & analysis. Services cover: employee concerns; environment; worker health and safety; facility safety; nuclear safety; security; and classification. There is an extensive list of corporate reporting databases.
Polar Environment, Safety and Health (PESH). National Science Foundation.
"The Polar Environment, Safety and Health Section (PESH) manages and oversees the environmental, safety, and health aspects of research and operations conducted in polar regions."
Protecting Children's Environmental Health. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
"Children are often more vulnerable to pollutants than adults due to differences in behavior and biology, that can lead to greater exposure and/or unique windows of susceptibility during development. Learn more about children's health, the environment, and what you can do." Basic information; healthcare providers; science; and standards and regulations. Box with links to important resources.
Ten Essential Environmental Health Services. Indian Health Services.
Starts with resources (click terms/sentence to see information); sections have links to information on government and organizational sites, annotated.
Environmental Health. Colorado Local Public & Environment Resources.
Resource guide, faqs, requirements for various industries, information, safety recommendations, and more.
- Colorado Health Indicators
- Data (Colorado Environmental Health). Data sets, maps, statistical information and infographics by category.
- Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability topics. Over 15 of them. Click on terms for in depth detail.
Health Education
CSU affiliates may read a definition of health education in The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.
Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum. CDC.
Overview of health education basis and hoped-for outcomes. Click on individual statements to get definition (e.g. "Is research-based and theory-driven" and "uses strategies designed to personalize information and engage students."
National Health Education Standards. CDC Healthy Schools. CDC.
"The National Health Education Standards (NHES) were developed to establish, promote, and support health-enhancing behaviors for students in all grade levels—from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12." 8 standards listed.
School Health Education. Indian Health Service. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"The Indian Health Service Health Education program works to collaborate with local school systems - state public schools, Bureau of Indian Affair Schools and/or private schools - that educate Native American and Alaskan Native students. Health Educators and those working in a school setting should incorporate the basic principles of school health into their lesson plans."
What Works: Sexual Health Education. CDC.
"Quality sexual health education (SHE) provides students with the knowledge and skills to help them be healthy and avoid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and unintended pregnancy. A SHE curriculum includes medically accurate, developmentally appropriate, and culturally relevant content and skills that target key behavioral outcomes and promote healthy sexual development." Characteristics of quality sexual health programs. How schools can deliver programing. Benefits of the education. How the education looks like in action. Links to more information.
Health Insurance
There are many aspects of health insurance and CSU affiliates can read definitions in these reference sources: Bioethics; The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer; Encyclopedia of Bioethics; Personal Finance; The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society; and others.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Tabs at top covering multiple topics.
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
"The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides health coverage to eligible children, through both Medicaid and separate CHIP programs. CHIP is administered by states, according to federal requirements. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government." Policy and program topics, and State Medicaid & CHIP profiles.
Get coverage (by state); keep or update your plan; see topics (over 30 entries); and get answers (top questions, and more).
- In school? Student health plans & other options (people under 30).
Marketplace, Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP-Children's Health Insurance Program, and Mental Health and Addictions Insurance Help.
Health Insurance.
"Get information on health insurance, including Medicaid, Medicare, and find help paying for medical bills."
Health Insurance and Mental Health Services.
Discusses mental health or addiction services as part of insurance such as Medicaid and Medicare.
Health Insurance Coverage. FastStats. CDC.
Data of uninsured, private insurance, public insurance, more data, and related links.
Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2018. Edward R. Berchick, Jessica C. Barnett, and Rachel D. Upton. November 08, 2019. Report Number P60-267 (RV). 44 pages. United States Census Bureau.
"This report presents statistics on health insurance coverage in the United States in 2018 and changes in health insurance coverage between 2017 and 2018." Highlights, tables and figures. Rates of uninsured by state. Types of coverage.
The Health Insurance Marketplace. IRS.
"Health Insurance Marketplace — also known as the Health Insurance Exchange — is the place where people without health care insurance can find information about health insurance options and also purchase health care insurance. Information can also be found regarding eligibility for help with paying premiums and reducing out-of-pocket costs. Each year the Marketplace has an open enrollment period."
Health Insurance. MedlinePlus.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; for you. Summary; statistics and research; patient handouts; and more.
Summary and learn more.
Learn how to apply for coverage; comment or view pending demonstrations, Medicaid & CHIP scorecard. U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The official site for Medicare. Tabs for sign up/change plans; Medicare costs; what Medicare covers; drug coverage (part D); supplements & other insurance; claims & appeals; manage your health; and forms, help & resources.
Colorado Health Insurance Consumer Help.
Insurance in Colorado addresses, telephone numbers, and web pages.
Department of Health Care Policy & Financing. Colorado.
Explore programs & benefits, apply now, find doctors, and get help. What' new, links, enrollment update, alpha index, and quick answers.
- Division of Insurance releases state's 2019 health insurance plans and premiums.
- Health Insurance Filings and Approved Plans.
- Health Insurance Initiatives and Legislation.
- Other Coverage.
Health Insurance. Department of Regulatory Agencies.
Affordable Care Act; Health Insurance Information; For Consumers; Health Insurance Initiatives and Legislation; Health-Information for Industry; and Health Insurance Reports.
Household Sanitation & Hygiene
CSU affiliates may read about what hygiene means in the The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.
Body, Facial, & Dental Hygiene. Water, Sanitation & Environmentally-related Hygiene. CDC.
Links to individual pages with brief information on the topics. Also links to more information. Side bar has Hygiene Etiquette & Practice and other sub-topics.
Environmental Cleaning for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ.
Research paper. Background, disinfection strategies, assessment contamination, guiding questions, methods, more. Also in PDF.
Food and Water in an Emergency. FEMA. August 2004.
Online booklet with information on how to prepare for emergencies.
Food Safety at Home. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA.
Four basic steps for avoiding food born illnesses. "Food illnesses can also cause serious health problems, even death." Links to other resources.
Household Cleaning & Sanitizing. Also Limpieza y desinfección de la casa (en español). CDC.
Using cleaning & sanitizing products; cleaning & sanitizing with bleach; recommendations for cleaning and sanitizing various surfaces with bleach and water (area or items to be cleaned, bleach amount, water amount, cleaning steps).
Household Products. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources. Summary, prevention and risk factors, related issues and more.
How to Care for Your Septic System. EPA (archived page).
Factors and recommendations for keeping septic systems safe, including maintenance.
Kill Germs with Bleach. CDC.
Print and go fact sheet, use of bleach, sanitizing tips, care required not to mix bleach with some other cleaners and chemicals.
Sanitation & Hygiene. Global Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene (WASH). CDC.
"Sanitation and hygiene are critical to health, survival, and development. Many countries are challenged in providing adequate sanitation for their entire populations, leaving people at risk for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)-related diseases." Topics and links to more information.
Occupational/Vocational Health
The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health provides one definition of occupational health for CSU affiliates. They may also read about occupational health and safety in Bioethics and in Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law.
Occupational Health. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary; start here; prevention and risk factors; related issues; specifics; statistics and research; and more.
Occupational Health Issues in the USA. NIOSH Science Blog. CDC.
Various industries given an overview with link to related blog. Industries and ailments: oil and gas; robotics; sensors; nanotechnology; silicosis; black lung; disaster science; and healthy workforce.
- Current Practices in Worksite Wellness Initiatives. 13 pages (PDF).
- Occupational Health Psychology (OHP).
Occupational Safety and Health.
Tabs for overview, objectives, and more. Emphasis on ten sectors: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing; Construction; Health Care and Social Assistance; Manufacturing; Mining; Oil and Gas Extraction; Public Safety; Services; Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities; and Wholesale and Retail Trade. Reasons for need of occupational safety and health.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). U. S. Department of Labor.
"With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance." Current concern highlighted (May 2020 topic is COVID-19 and rights to a safe workplace; outline information COVID-19 Recursos en Español sobre la Seguridad en el Lugar de Trabajo en español). Tabs near top for OSHA, standards, topics, and health and resources.
Office of Occupational Safety and Health. U.S. Department of the Interior.
"The Office of Occupational Safety and Health's (OSH) mission is to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our employees and visitors." Consultative assessments; OSH programs; policy and programs; resources and tools; safety spotlight; and report a workplace injury/illness (SMIS, Safety Management Information System).
- Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs. (Getting started; core elements; expolre tools; case studies; additional resources; and download option.)
Workers' Health. National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS). NIH.
Workplace "hazards may include chemical agents and solvents, heavy metals such as lead and mercury, physical agents such as loud noise or vibrations, and physical risks such as electricity or dangerous machinery. The field of occupational health identifies and helps control these hazards to protect workers’ health." What NIEHS is doing--a list of programs with brief details. Further reading.
Workplace Health Model. Workplace Health Promotion. CDC.
"The use of effective workplace programs and policies can reduce health risks and improve the quality of life for American workers." Discussion of workplace health programs and building one.
Workplace safety. Colorado Department of Health & Environment.
Reporting workplace injuries and illness; Colorado data and reports; epi-pen law for businesses; in the news; resources and links, and about (program updates
Other states may have their own occupational/workplace health divisions.
State Departments of Health
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Services & Information; Boards & commissions; Divisions; Concerns & emergencies; Data; News; and LPHAs (Local Public Health and Environment Resources). Scroll to find Welcome which includes Find health care and health insurance. Alpha index.
Find other state equivalents by searching your browser for: [State Name] health site:gov
Vaccines and Immunizations
Vaccinations are used as a way to prevent ailments. CSU affiliates can read various entries on vaccination in: The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health; The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence; The Gale Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Childbirth; The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine; The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health; The Gale Encyclopedia of Emerging Diseases; and The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.
Covered Vaccines. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).
"The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) covers most vaccines routinely given in the U.S."
Get Your Child’s Shots on Schedule. MyHealthfinder.
Basics overview. Other topics. Section on shots (vaccines).
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines. National Cancer Institute. NIH.
What they are, who should get them, how they work, their effectiveness, and more.
Immunization and Infectious Disease.
Overview; objectives; interventions & resources; and national snapshots. "Healthy People 2020 goals for immunization and infectious diseases are rooted in evidence-based clinical and community activities and services for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases." Diseases grouped by type.
Immunization Also called: Vaccination. Medline Plus.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; for you; summary; start here; diagnosis and tests; related issues; and more.
Vaccine Administration. CDC. Also PDF version, 27 pages.
"General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization: Best Practices Guidance of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)." For example, Safe Use of Needles and Syringes.
Vaccination Requirements. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Q & A with "basic information about the general vaccination requirements for immigrants (including individuals seeking adjustment of status), and specifically about the assessment made by the civil surgeon to determine whether an applicant meets the vaccination requirements. These Questions and Answers do not address the vaccination assessments conducted by panel physicians overseas."
Need travel vaccines? Plan ahead.
Vaccines and Immunizations (CDC). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Childhood & Adult Immunizations Schedules. Sections aimed at different audiences. List of Vaccines Used in United States.
Vaccines and Immunizations.
"A vaccination is the injection of a killed or weakened organism into your body by a needle, swallowing, or inhaling. The vaccine produces immunity in the body against that organism." HHS
Basics, by disease, who and when, getting vaccinated, and resources.
Vaccines (FDA). U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Approved products, safety, availability, and more.
Vaccines (NIH). National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Overview of vaccines, vaccine research purpose, news. Types, adjuvants, disease-specific.
School-required vaccines. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Information about Colorado law regarding vaccines required to enter child care and to enter school (K-12) and higher education.
Congressional Documents
- Memorial of Josiah Meigs, and others, for an act of incorporation of a national vaccine institution for the United States of America. January 5, 1820. Read, and referred to a select committee. January 5, 1820 16th Congress, 1st Session Serial Set Vol. No. 32, Session Vol. No.2 H.Doc. 29
- Distribution of vaccine virus. March 1, 1882. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed.March 1, 1882 47th Congress, 1st Session Serial Set Vol. No. 2066, Session Vol. No.2 H.Rpt. 607.
- I. A method for estimating the potency of smallpox vaccine, by John N. Force and James P. Leake. II. The immunological relationship of alastrim and mild smallpox, by James P. Leake and John N. Force. [U.S. Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin No. 149. April 1927.]
1927 69th Congress, 2nd Session Serial Set Vol. No. 8747, Session Vol. No.31 H.Doc. 790. - Vaccine and immunization amendments of 1990. July 23, 1990. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed. July 23, 1990 101st Congress, 2nd Session Serial Set Vol. No. 14015 H.Rpt. 611. [If link doesn't work look up by title in U.S. Congressional Serial Set off of A-Z Databases List.]
- Examining U.S. Public Health Preparedness for and Response Efforts to Seasonal Influenza : Hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, Second Session, March 8, 2018. Washington: U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2019.
Mental and Social Health
This section focus on topics to do with human mental health.
Mental Health
Mental Health (CDC). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"Mental health is an important part of overall health and well-being. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood." Box categories are: Learn about mental health; Data and publications; Tools and resources; Mental health quiz (facts/myths); and about CDC.
Link to: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (TALK).
Al número 1-888-628-9454 ayuda en español, "su llamada se dirige al centro de ayuda de nuestra red disponible más cercano. Tenemos actualmente 170 centros en la red y usted hablará probablemente con uno situado en su zona. Cada centro funciona en forma independiente y tiene su propio personal calificado."
Mental Health (OWH). Office on Women's Health.
Information about mental health and differing types of conditions. Top questions answered. Sections on: Good mental health; Mental health conditions; Abuse, trauma, and mental health; Body image and mental health; Living and working [with mental health problems]; and Get help now. Related information includes: Caregiver stress; Insomnia; Menopause; Menstrual cycle; Pregnancy, and more.
Mental Health and HIV.
List of symptoms and ways to get help. Recommended strategies for coping, including talking with qualified mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists). Additional resources listed on side of page.
Mental Health and Mental Disorders.
Sections cover: Overview; Objectives; Interventions & Resources and National Snapshots. Healthypeople's goal is to "Improve mental health through prevention and by ensuring access to appropriate, quality mental health services." References. Links to related topics.
Mental Health in Adolescents. HHS, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"Important mental health habits—including coping, resilience, and good judgment—help adolescents to achieve overall wellbeing and set the stage for positive mental health in adulthood." Boxes cover: Basics; Care; Mental Health; and National and State Data Sheets.
Stress and Coping, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). CDC. Maneje la ansiedad y el estrés (en español). National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases
Contact the Disaster Distress Helpline, Call 1-800-985-5990
Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline Call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224
Discussion of how people may react differently to stressful situations, types of stress; recommended coping strategies, information aimed at parents, information aimed at responders, information aimed at those released from quarantine, and resources.
CSU affiliates can read "Mental Health" and "Mental Illness" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, "Community Mental Health" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health, and "Mental Illness" from the Encyclopedia of Social Deviance to learn more about these topics.
Emotional Health
Emotional Wellness Toolkit. Your Healthiest Self. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
"How you feel can affect your ability to carry out everyday activities, your relationships, and your overall mental health. How you react to your experiences and feelings can change over time. Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. Flip each card below for checklists on how to improve your health in each area. Click on the images to read articles about each topic. You can also print the checklists separately or all together to share with others or as a reminder to yourself." Emotional Wellness Checklist (PDF). Also Sus sentimientos español y Lista de control de bienestar emocional (PDF).
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health. Emergency Preparedness and Response. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Also Cómo sobrellevar los desastres o eventos traumáticos.Español (Spanish).
Suggestions for coping during and after stressful situations. Steps for coping. Box of information listing signs of distress. Link to Stress and Coping page with information about how people's degrees of stress vary (also in four other languages).
- Tonarelli, Annalisa et al. “Expressive writing. A tool to help health workers. Research project on the benefits of expressive writing.” Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis vol. 88,5S 13-21. 30 Nov. 2017, doi:10.23750/abm.v88i5-S.6877
Cognitive Health
Cognitive Health. National Institute on Aging. NIH.
"Cognitive health—the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember—is an important component of brain health." Multiple articles discuss reasons for keeping your mind (as well as body) active and ways to reduce risk of cognitive decline.
The Healthy Brain Initiative: A National Public Health Road Map to Maintaining Cognitive Health. CDC and Alzheimer's' Association.
"The Road Map recognizes current social trends and other factors that affect cognitive health from a public health standpoint: an aging population, growing fear and concern expressed by many people as they age about their potential loss of cognitive function, increasing societal burden from cognitive decline, greater caregiver burden, and a continued lack of awareness about cognitive health among consumers and providers alike." Ten priority actions. 70 pages.
Mild Cognitive Impairment. Also called: MCI. MedlinePlus.
Basics; learn more; research; resources; for you. Summary; start here; diagnosis and tests; prevention and risk factors; statistics and research; and more.
Unique Issues in Cognitive Development. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
On adolescent brain. Learning styles and multiple intelligences; disabilities; trauma; mental health disorders; substance use; differing awards; sensation seeking; and more.
Fact sheet on cognitive health and older adults. 3 pages.
Financial Health
Consumer Information
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (cfpb).
Creates clear rules to implement the law and preserve choices for consumers; supervises financial companies; enforces federal consumer financial laws; produces tools and resources to help consumers make informed financial decisions and build financial skills; publishes research and information; hosts conferences, workshops, and more. Find answers to questions, guides for financial decisions, and take action.
Find consumer tools (y herramientas para el consumidor); practitioner resources; data & research; policy & compliance.
Special topics such as: Protecting your finances during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
FDIC Consumer News: COVID-19 and Your Financial Health. FDIC Consumer News - Covid-19 Special Edition. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Information on keeping money safe during the pandemic. Page has PDF version in English and Covid-19 en español - PDF. Links to additional resources.
Financial Capability. National Institute of Food and Agriculture. USDA.
"More than half of Americans report living paycheck-to-paycheck and experiencing financial crisis because of inadequate savings, too much debt, and poor planning. USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) coordinates with expert partners to help people acquire the knowledge, skills, and motivation they need to build financial security - the cornerstone of prosperous communities, nurturing neighborhoods, and strong families." Left-hand side has tab menus for topics such as: Financial Security Background; eXtension Personal Finance; National Extension Money Management 1 & 2; Estate Planning Resources; Extension Learning Tools; etc.
Managing Your Money.
Overviews and helpful suggestions for: Make a Budget; Opening a Bank Account; Your Paycheck; Using Debit Cards; Prepaid Cards; Saving Money When You Shop; Buying and Using Phone Cards; Sending Money Overseas; Buying a Used Car; Renting an Apartment or House; and Your Education After High School.
Personal Finance and Consumer Protection - Steps for Quicker Financial Relief. U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Goes through family financial strategy from covering basic needs, bill paying, avoiding scams, and more.
Personal Finance Worksheets.
Links to personal budgeting worksheet and auto loan worksheets on consumer protection site, and provides context and financial advice about types of expenses.
Privacy Choices for Your Personal Financial Information. Federal Trade Commission. Consumer Information.
Topics cover: Privacy Notices 101; What You Can and Can’t Stop; Your Right to Opt Out; Types of Privacy Notices; For More Information and Complaints; and Laws Affecting Your Personal Financial Privacy. Larger Consumer Information site covers money & credit; homes & mortgages; health & fitness; jobs & making money; privacy, identity & online security; scams; and blog/video & media.
Teachers’ Background & Capacity to Teach Personal Finance: Results of a National Study. Wendy L. Way and Karen Holden. ©2010 National Endowment for Financial Education.
28 page document with highlights of findings about teachers' qualifications and preparation for teaching financial skills to students in K-12. Information about the study, findings, and other details are summarized.
Budget. Congressional Budget Office.
"CBO's regular budget publications include semiannual reports on the budget and economic outlook, annual reports on the President's budget and the long-term budget picture, and a biannual set of options for reducing budget deficits. CBO also prepares cost estimates and mandate statements for nearly all bills that are reported by Congressional committees. Numerous analytic studies provide more in-depth analysis of specific budgetary issues." Quick links, budget projections, reports, and more (see left hand side as well as main section).
Budget of the U.S. Government.
Infographic of the Federal budget process and how it is created and managed. See multiple years of the budget.
The Future Financial Status of the Social Security Program. by Stephen C. Goss. Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 70, No. 3, 2010.
Lengthy document (14 pages in PDF version) with extensive overview of the program. Covers topics such as solvency, sustainability, and shortfall. Notes.
President's Budget. Office of Management and Budget. The White House.
2021 budget. Major Savings and Reforms; Analytical Perspectives; Appendix; Historical Tables; Supplemental Materials; Fact Sheets; Supplementals, Amendments, and Releases; Mid-Session Review FY 2020; and Past President’s Budgets.
Individual departments have budgets and budget proposals (requests for funding); search for them on the departmental site.
Federal Student Aid. U.S. Department of Education.
Arranged by time frame: considering school; in school; parent; and in repayment. Popular topics. Section on how financial aid works (5 parts). Announcements. For example, Creating Your Budget.
Financial Aid for Students.
"If you need help paying for college, technical, or career school, check out the options you may be eligible for from the federal government and other sources. Learn why federal student loans are generally preferable to private loans, and how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA." Eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Resources available on the Financial Aid Toolkit. Federal Student Aid. U.S. Department of Education.
Page with "all the fact sheets, videos, infographics, PowerPoint presentations, sample tweets, and other resources."
Student Loans. Federal Trade Commission.
Sections on: Financing Your Education; Loan Repayment and Forgiveness; Loan Consolidation; Signs of a Student Loan Debt Relief Scam; and Report Scams.
What you need to know about student loans and the coronavirus pandemic. Leer en Español. Blog entry by Kristen Evans – April 9, 2020.
Social Health
Social Determinants of Health: Know What Affects Health (SDOH). CDC.
"This website provides CDC resources for SDOH data, tools for action, programs, and policy. They may be used by people in public health, community organizations, and health care systems to assess SDOH and improve community well-being." Sources for datas, tools, policy resources, programs, research, and faqs.
Social/Family Issues. MedlinePlus.
Alphabetical list of topics. Select term to see more detailed information on the topic.
Social Wellness Toolkit. Health Information. National Institutes of Health. NIH.
"Positive social habits can help you build support systems and stay healthier mentally and physically." Strategies for improving social health.
- Social Wellness Checklist. (2 1/2 pages in PDF.)
Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak. Substance Abluse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
"This tip sheet describes feelings and thoughts you may have during and after social distancing, quarantine, and isolation. It also suggests ways to care for your behavioral health during these experiences and provides resources for more help." 4 page.
Well-Being Concepts. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). CDC.
"Good living conditions (e.g., housing, employment) are fundamental to well-being." Q & A. Benefits of well-being. Identified surveys and questionnaires from various studies.
Social Health Information Exchange:Connecting Health Care with Services that Address the Social Determinants of Health. PDF. Colorado.
10 page white paper. "The health of Coloradans is primarily influenced by non-medical factors such as food, housing, social connectedness and safety, often referred to as social determinants of health (SDoH). To support whole-person care and make it easier for Coloradans to access the comprehensive services they need, it is necessary to more seamlessly connect health care systems and systems of SDoH services and supports."
Many states have their own department that looks into social health topics.
Spiritual Heath
Healthy Parks Healthy People. National Park Service.
A "global movement that harnesses the power of parks and public lands as a health resource. Healthy Parks Healthy People works to advance the fact that all parks —urban and wildland are cornerstones of people’s physical, mental, and spiritual health, social wellbeing; and sustainability of the planet."
Spirituality. Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center.
Q & A: What is spirituality?; Can spirituality protect mental health?; Can spirituality help people with mental health problems?; How can spirituality be part of mental health services?
Spirituality in Cancer Care (PDQ®)–Patient Version. –Health Professional Version. National Cancer Institute.
Patient sections: General Information About Spirituality; Spirituality and Quality of Life; Spiritual Assessment; Meeting the Patient's Spiritual and Religious Needs; Current Clinical Trials; and About This PDQ Summary. Health professional sections: Overview; Definitions; Relation of Religion and Spirituality to Adjustment, Quality of Life, and Health Indices; Screening and Assessment of Spiritual Concerns; Modes of Intervention; Increasing Personal Awareness in Health Care Providers; Issues to Consider; Additional Resources; Current Clinical Trials; Changes to This Summary (04/19/2017); and About This PDQ Summary.
Health of the Human Body
The topics in this section focus on the health and diseases of the human body.
- Health Gov Info (gathered)
- Diseases (Overall/Overview)
- Diseases, Cancer
- Diseases, Cardiovascular
- Diseases: Ear, Nose, & Throat
- Diseases, Eyes
- Diseases, Lungs
- Diseases, muscles & skeleton
- Disease, various organs (glands, etc.)
- Diseases: HIV, AIDS
- Physical Health
- Sexual Health
- Weight, BMI
- Food-Health
- Water and Health
Health Gov Info (gathered)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead Federal agency charged with improving the safety and quality of America's health care system. AHRQ develops the knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve the health care system and help Americans, health care professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions." Top menu has: Topics (A-Z and Priority Populations); Programs; Research (publications & products; Research Findings & Reports; Quality and Disparities Report); Data; Tools; Funding & Grants (Funding Opportunity Announcements; Research Policies; Funding Priorities; Grant Application, Review & Award Process; Post-Award Grant Management; and Contracts; also Project Research Online Database [PROD]); News (Newsroom; Blog; Newsletter; and Events); and About (About AHRQ; Organization & Contacts). Scroll down to see on page: What's New (News & Events; Funding & Grants; Quality & Patient Safety; Research); Featured Programs; Latest Video; Latest Tweets.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Highlights current health concerns. Covers outbreaks. Has news. "CDC in Action." "Science at CDC."
- Influenza (Flu). CDC.
Flu Report; Prevent Flu; Symptoms & Diagnosis; Treatment; Flu Activity & Surveillance; Flu Season; People at High Risk; Other Types of Influenza (includes Pandemic; Avian; Swine/Variant; Flu in Animals; Canine Flu; and Animal to Human); What's New; and more.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (CMS.) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Topic areas are: Medicare; Medicaid/CHIP; Medicare-Medicaid Coordination; Private Insurance; Innovation Center; Reulations & Guidance; Research, Statistics, Data & Systems; and Outreach & Education. Top 5 resources listed in box on right side of page. News and spotlights. Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Covers body, fitness, nutrition, and much more. Scroll down to see brief summary of site in multiple other languages, including español (Spanish).
Health Information. National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Menu of topics on left-hand side. Health highlights and featured tools. For example: Your Healthiest Self: Wellness Toolkits. Other menu items (tabs at top) are: Grants & Funding; News & Events; Research & Training; Instituets at NIH; and About NIH.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Top menu items are: Grants; Loans & Scholarships; Data Warehouse; Training & TA Hub; and About HRSA. HRSA is "the primary federal agency for improving health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable." Their mission is: "To improve health outcomes and address health disparities through access to quality services, a skilled health workforce, and innovative, high-value programs." Goals for 2019-2022 are:
"These animated videos show the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them."
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Top menu items: About IHS; Locations; for Patients; for Providers; Community Health; Career Opportunities; Newsroom. Sections underneath In the News and Upcoming Events include: Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI); Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative; Access to Care for Native Veterans; and more.
MMWR Current Volume (2020). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). CDC.
CDC's "MMWR series is the agency’s primary vehicle for scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations." Link to individual articles or download PDF of complete issue.
National Center for Health Statistics. NEHRS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC.
Data Collection Systems: Population surveys, vital records, provider surveys, and historical surveys. Stat of the day. Tells where public can write for vital records and more. Sources for researchers (datasets, documentation, and data access tools), survey participants, students and librarians, and media. Programs under their own tab. Topics include FastStats (diseases and conditions; infectious/immune; family life; health care and insurance; disability and risk factors; injuries; life stages and populations; and reproductive health. Also health policy data requests on five topics. Tab for data and tools: data access; data tools; data analysis aids; and data visualizations. Publications tab has assorted publications current and historic. Last tab for news and events including a blog.
Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Top boxes are: About OSG; Priorities; Reports and Publications; USPHS Commissioned Corps. Scroll down to see recent advisories. Vice Admiral (VADM) Jerome M. Adams, M.D., M.P.H. is the current (March 2020) Surgeon General. "As the Nation’s Doctor, the Surgeon General provides Americans with the best scientific information available on how to improve their health and reduce their risk of illness and injury.
SAMHSA. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Divided into: Current Topics; Get Help; Public Messages; SAMHSA at a Glance; Practitioner Training; Our Offices and Centers.
Travelers' Health. CDC.
Sections on: Destinations; Find a Clinic; Travel Notices; Travel Advice and Resources; Disease Directory; Yellow Book (Introduction; Preparing International Travelers; Environmental Hazards & Other Noninfectious Health Risks; Travel-Related Infectious Diseases; Travelers with Additional Considerations; Health Care Abroad; Family Travel; Travel by Air, Land & Sea; Travel for Work & Other Reasons; and Popular Itineraries; Posttravel Evaluation; and Appendices.); and Frequently Asked Questions. Travel Health Notices.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Umbrella organization for health services in the United States. This link has current concerns at top of page. Regular sections are: Public Health; Human Services; Healthcare; and Inside HHS. Each section has subtopics such as smoking prevention, poverty guidelines, drug pricing, and annual reports and news releases.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
The FDA regulates: Food; Drugs; Medical Devices; Radiation-Emitting Products; Vaccines, Blood, and Biologics; Animal and Veterinary; Cosmetics; and Tobacco Products. Includes featured topics; press announcements; recalls, market withdrawals, & safety alerts; FDA Voices; recently published guidance; and resources and programs. Language assistance is available: Español | 繁體中文 | Tiếng Việt | 한국어 | Tagalog | Русский | العربية | Kreyòl Ayisyen | Français | Polski | Português | Italiano | Deutsch | 日本語 | فارسی | English.
Diseases (Overall/Overview)
A-Z Health Topics. Office on Women's Health. Also Temas de salud de la A-Z en español.
For example: autoimmune diseases/enfermedades autoinmunes and sleep and your health/el sueño y tu salud.
Chronic Conditions. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS).
Use and spending are presented for 21 listed chronic conditions. Data (2007-2017) is in Excel files found under the Downloads section.
Diseases & Conditions. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Select conditions A-Z. Most search diseases & conditions are listed directly on the page. Links to related centers and programs. Language assistance offered in 16 languages (including English) with toll free number for each.
Genetic Disorders. National Human Genome Reseasch Institute (NIH).
"A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes, the structures that carry genes)." List of genetic disorders (select to see more information: what it is, how diagnosed, how treated, and inheritance information).
Germs: Infectious Diseases. Also called: Communicable diseases. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, and for you. "Germs, or microbes, are found everywhere - in the air, soil, and water. There are also germs on your skin and in your body. Many of them are harmless, and some can even be helpful. But some of them can make you sick. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by germs."
Infectious Diseases. Safety and Health Topics. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). United States Department of Labor.
Site with information relevant to health care workers. CDC guidelines. "Several OSHA standards and directives are directly applicable to protecting workers against transmission of infectious agents. These include OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) which provides protection of workers from exposures to blood and body fluids that may contain bloodborne infectious agents; OSHA's Personal Protective Equipment standard (29 CFR 1910.132) and Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134) which provide protection for workers when exposed to contact, droplet and airborne transmissible infectious agents; and OSHA's TB compliance directive which protects workers against exposure to TB through enforcement of existing applicable OSHA standards and the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act." Scroll down to see specific diseases listed with their own OSHA health care pages.
Rural Health. Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC).
"Rural Americans are at greater risk of death from 5 leading causes than urban Americans." Provides overview of rural health and causes of death: drug overdose and suicide get specific mention on date page viewed. Other ailments listed just below with more on separate page. Leading Causes of Death in Rural America is another separate page that goes over statistics and desire to reduce excess deaths. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute,
Tools & Tips; articles & information; live online chat; benefits of quitting; how to manage cravings; coping with stress without smoking; tips for slips; and using nicotine replacement therapy.
Chronic Disease Prevention. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
"Seven of 10 deaths in Colorado can be attributed to chronic diseases: heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. Costs for treating and managing chronic disease represent three-quarters of the nation’s rising health care expenditures. Despite the health and cost impacts of chronic disease, many Coloradans remain unaware of their risks." Recommendations for prevention and managing diseases. Data and reports, events, and more.
Note: Other states (also cities) have their own disease-related pages with information. For example, Vermont has information on Mosquito-borne Diseases and New York City Health has a page on Pigeon-Related Diseases.
Diseases, Cancer
Cancer Also called: Carcinoma, Malignancy, Neoplasms, Tumor.. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Start here; diagnosis and tests; prevention and risk factors; treatments and therapies; living with; related issues; and more.
Key resources; preventing; survivors and caregivers, data and statistics, resk factors, preventing infections, cancer and flu, health care providers, resources to share, programs, and kinds of cancer. Latest research.
- Cancer and Men also El cáncer y los hombres (en español)
- Cancer Data and Statistics also Datos y estadísticas del cáncer (en español)
- Cancer Treatments also Tratamientos contra el cáncer (en español)
Cancer. National Human Genome Research Institute. NIH.
Definitions. Illustration. Narration available in audio. Related terms, browse terms, and featured content.
Cancer. Office of Research & Development. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Timeline of selected major accomplishments (1932- ), smoking and cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, testicular and stomach cancer, breast cancer, and links to more information.Selected scientific articles by their researcher.
Cancer Office of Women's Health. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"All women are at risk of cancer, but some groups are at higher risk than others. Our genes, lifestyle, and the environment around us may raise or lower our risk of getting cancer." Sections on breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer. Links to related information.
Cancer Treatment Scams. Consumer Information. Federal Trade Commission. Also Estafas de tratamiento contra el cáncer (en español). 2008.
"If you or someone you love has cancer, chances are you’re sorting through mountains of information and facing many decisions about various treatment options. And you may be curious about supposed miraculous cancer-fighting products — pills, powders, herbs, and more — that you’ve either seen advertised or heard about from family and friends. Be skeptical: Lots of these are scams, and when you’re battling cancer, the last thing you need is a scam." Q and A. Related items.
Cancer Treatments. MedlinePlus.
Lists various types of treatment with explanation of how done and how the treatments are supposed to work.
Female Reproductive Cancers. HHS Office of Population Affairs. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Quick facts, risk factors, symptoms (vary), available screenings, definitions, descriptions, and treatments.
Medicare Coverage of Cancer Treatment (PDF). Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Goes over what Medicare covers and does not cover. Definitions of terms used in the pamphlet.
Mouth and Throat Problems during Cancer Treatment. National Cancer Institute. NIH.
What cancer treatments can do to the mouth and throat and cause problems. Suggestions for prevention. Managing changes in taste. More.
Highlighted topics, then sections on cancer research resources (e.g. funding opportunities), about cancer, cancer types. "Resources for you," a link near the foot of the page goes to sources listed by: for patients; for Caregivers; for health professionals; cancer research community, advocates and policymakers, for international partners, and for industry.
Questions & Answers about Cancer in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). U.S. Equal Emplyment Opportunity Commission.
Introduction, obtaining, using and disclosing medical information, accommodating employees with cancer, concerns about safety, harassment, retaliation, and how to file a charge of employment discrimination. Footnotes.
Radiation Exposure and Cancer. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.NRC).
Page with brief summary of associations between radiation exposure and cancer.
Radon: Health Risk of Radon. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) archive.
Topics on the page: Exposure to radon causes lung cancer in non-smokers and smokers alike; Radon risk if you smoke; Radon risk if you have never smoked; Studies find direct evidence linking radon in homes to lung cancer; Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VI Report: "The Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Radon"; and 2003 EPA Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes.
Cancer. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Links to prevention funding opportunities, cancer in Colorado, coalition, registry, and more. Links to related programs.
Diseases, Cardiovascular
CSU affiliates may read some detailed information about "Heart Disease" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, "Heart Disease" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and "Heart Disease" in The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.
About Heart Disease. CDC.
What it is, symptoms, risk factors, description of cardiac rehabiltation, related efforts. Test: How Much Do You Know About Heart Disease?
Cardiovascular Disease. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. NIH.
Description of the risk factors, recommendations regarding treatment, and information on therapies.
Drawing a Blank? Knowing Your Health Numbers Can Reduce Heart Health Risks. Federal Occupational Health.
Advice for heart health and information about numbers to live by for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and more.
Evidence and Resources to Improve Overall Heart Health. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ.
Is "focused on improving the "ABCS" of cardiovascular care—Aspirin for those at increased risk of a heart attack or stroke, Blood pressure control, Cholesterol management, and Smoking cessation." Resources for improving overall heart health; resources for practices; and more.
Medical encyclopedia entry. Diagrams show what heart attack looks like inside. Information on when one is likely to occur.
Heart Disease Facts. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC.
Overview with statistics. Who is at risk. "Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States." Left-hand side has links to related data.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary, start here, diagnosis and tests, prevention and risk factors, and more. Right side has related health topics (heart ailments).
Heart Diseases, Also called: Cardiac diseases. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, and for you. Also start here; diagnosis and tests; prevention and risk factors; treatment and therapies; living with, related issues, specifics, genetics, health check tools, statistics and research, clinical trials, and more.
Heart Disease and Stroke. ODPHP.
Discussion of leading modifiable (controllable) risk factors for heart disease and stroke, and understanding them.
Heart Health. NAL National Agricultural Library. USDA.
Annotated links to specific topics.
Heart Health and Aging. National Institute on Aging. NIH.
Information on: How Does the Heart Work?; How Your Heart Changes with Age; What Is Heart Disease?; Signs of Heart Disease; What Can I Do to Prevent Heart Disease?; Questions to Ask Your Doctor; and The Future of Research on Aging and the Heart. Contact numbers, emails, and URLs for more information.
Heart Health for Women. FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Also Salud cardíaca (en español).
"Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. Find out what other women like you know about heart health and get tips on how to keep your heart healthy!" Recommendations for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Knowing signs of an attack.
How to Prevent Heart Disease. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, start here, diagnosis and tests, prevention and risk factors, and more. "What can I do to lower my risk of heart disease?" Right side has related health topics.
Diseases: Ear, Nose, & Throat
Buying a Hearing Aid. Consumer Information. Federal Trade Commission.
"Before you buy a hearing aid, it’s important to understand the various types of hearing loss and what to consider when you’re shopping, so you get the product that’s most appropriate for your particular kind of hearing loss, your lifestyle, and your budget." Q & A.
Comprehensive Hearing Health Care (Your Hearing Matters) for Patients. CDC.
Questions with yes/no answers related to hearing--"Should you see an audiologist?"
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; for you. Summary of ear parts; diagnosis and tests; treatments and therapies; related issues; specifics; genetics; journal articles; and more.
Ear Infection. Also Infección de oído (en español). CDC.
Types of ear infections, causes, symptoms, when to seek medical care, treatment, and more.
Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders.
"Communication and other sensory processes contribute to our overall health and well-being." Statistics and concerns that are raised when there are sensory losses. Various determinants (social, biological).
Hearing, Ear Infections, and Deafness. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). NIH. Also Audición, infecciones del oído y sordera (en español).
Diseases and conditions; features; protect your hearing; for parents; communication methods & devices for people with hearing loss; for educators and health professionals. Right hand side has links to related topics.
Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults. National Institute on Aging. NIH.
Topics on page: Signs of Hearing Loss; Types of Hearing Loss; Causes of Hearing Loss; How to Cope with Hearing Loss; Tips: How to Talk with Someone with Hearing Loss; and Devices to Help with Hearing Loss. Also sources for more information.
It’s Loud Out There: Hearing Health across the Lifespan. CDC Public Health Grand Rounds. John Eichwald.
Slides from June 20, 2017 presentation covering hearing loss. Simulations of normal hearing and mild and moderate hearing loss. Locations where loud sounds may occur in homes or communities. Accumulation of damage. Many other topics. 76 slides.
Say What? Play It Safe with Your Ears. Play It Safe with Your Health. EPA. Office of Air and Radiation.
Aimed at middle school students. Diagram with outer, middle, and inner ear displayed. What sounds of harmful to hearing, when to wear hearing protection. "Noise can harm more than just your hearing; it can also cause harm to your health." Quizes.
Telecommunications Relay Service - TRS. Also Servicio de Retransmisión de Telecomunicaciones (TRS) (en español). And 繁體中文 | Tagalog | Tiếng Việt | 한국어 Federal Communications Commission. FCC.
"Telecommunications Relay Service is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories for local and/or long distance calls. TRS providers – generally telephone companies – are compensated for the costs of providing TRS from either a state or a federal fund. There is no cost to the TRS user."
Allergic Rhinitis. MedlinePlus.
Common Cold. Español: Resfriado común y moqueo. CDC.
Causes, risk factors, symptoms, when to seek medical care, treatment, how to feel better, over-the-counter medicine and children, and prevention.
Nose Injuries and Disorders: Also called: Nasal disorders. MedlinePlus.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; for you; summary information; treatments and therapies; specifics; and more.
Sinus Infection (Sinusitis). Español: Infección de los senos paranasales (sinusitis). CDC.
Causes, risk factors, symptoms, when to seek medical care, treatment, how to feel better, over-the-counter medicine and children, and prevention.
Sinusitis. MedlinePlus.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; for you; summary; diagnosis and tests; treatments and therapies; related issues; and more.
Smell Disorders. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). NIH. Also Trastornos del olfato (en español).
Commonality, disorders, and more. "Your ability to smell comes from specialized sensory cells, called olfactory sensory neurons, which are found in a small patch of tissue high inside the nose."
Sore Throat. Also called: Pharyngitis.
Basics; research; resources; for you; summary; diagnosis and tests; treatments and therapies; related issues; and more.
Strep Throat: All You Need to Know. Also Infección de garganta por estreptococos: lo que debe saber (en español). CDC.
Causes, how spread, signs and symptoms, who is at increased risk, test, cure, complications of the disease, and protecting yourself and others.
Streptococcal Infections. Also called: Strep. MedlinePlus.
Basics; learn more; research; resources; for you; summary; diagnosis and tests; treatments and therapies; related issues; and more.
Taking Care of Your Voice. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). NIH. Also Cuidando su voz (en español).
Q & A about human voice, its health, causes and prevention of problems. Places for information on voice and voice disorders.
Throat Disorders. Also called: Pharyngeal disorders. MedlinePlus.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; for you; summary; diagnosis and tests; treatments and therapies; related issues; and more.
Diseases, Eyes
Common Eye Disorders. Vision Health Initiative (VHI). CDC. Disorders are described.
Everyday Eye Care. U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
7 tips for using contact lenses safely (video) and a list of additional to do and not do.
Eye and Face Protection. United States OSHA. Department of Labor.
Standards; hazards and solutions; and additional resources. Workers' rights.
Eye Care. Also called: Eye health, Eye safety. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, and for you. Summary, eye care tips, eye tests and exams, diagnosis and tests, prevention and risk factors, and more.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; and for you. Summary; dignosis and tests; related issues; and more.
Eye Safety. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Archived.
How eye injuries happen to workers and ideas for prevention.
Topics A-Z. Extensive--links to detailed pages for listed items (or their other name).
Keep Your Eyes Healthy. National Eye Institute. NIH.
Tips for keeping your eyes in good shape. Protecting your eyes. Learn risks for eye diseases.
Keep an Eye on Your Vision Health. CDC. Suggestions for keeping vision healthy. Reasons to see an eye doctor. Effect of diabetes on eyes.
Prescription Glasses and Contact Lenses. Consumer Information. Federal Trade Commission. FTC.
Rule for eyeglass and contact prescriptions. What to look for on a prescription. Related items.
Sports and Eye Safety: Tips for Parents and Teachers. National Eye Institute. NIH.
"Eye injuries are a leading cause of blindness in children in the United States — and most of these injuries happen while kids are playing sports. The good news is that wearing the right protective eyewear can prevent 9 out of 10 sports-related eye injuries." Description of protetive eyewear and when it should be worn.
Overview, objectives, and more.
Diseases, Lungs
Health Effects.
Impact of smoking on parts of the body including: brain, head and face, heart, lungs, DNA, and stomach and hormones.
How Smoke from Fires Can Affect Your Health. Particulate Matter (PM) Pollution. EPA. Archived page.
What smoke is, who is more at risk, how to tell if it is affecting you, protecting yourself, and more.
How the Lungs Work. Also known as Respiratory System. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. NIH.
Overview of functioning and details (some images) of he respiratory system, how the boyd controls breathing, and more.
Keep Your Air Clear: How Tobacco Can Harm Your Lungs. U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
What happens to lungs when people smoke cigarettes. "Your lungs are one of your body’s filtration systems, taking in air from the atmosphere, adding oxygen to the blood for circulation throughout the body, and expelling excess carbon dioxide."
Lung Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version. National Cancer Institute.
Overview, description of the evidence, changes to teh summary, and more. Topics such as who is at risk, interventions that decrease risk of lung cancer, factors associated with increased risk of lung cancer, more. Study designs.
Basics; learn more; see, play and learn; research; resources; and for you. Summary; diagnosis and tests; treatments and therapies; living with; related issues; specifics; and more.
Lung Disease. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"Lung disease refers to disorders that affect the lungs, the organs that allow us to breathe." Q & A.
Lungs and Breathing. MedlinePlus.
Alphabetical list with cross references to lungs and breathing-related topics.
Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products. Also Brote de lesiones pulmonares asociado al uso de productos de cigarrillos electrónicos o vapeo (en español).
Overview; lastest information; waht is known; map of resported cases; what CDC recommends; key facts; and more.
Recommended Preventative and Control Measures to Reduce the Risk of Obstructive Lung Disease Among Workers in the Microwave Popcorn Packaging Industry. OSHA. U.S. Department of Labor.
Testing, eye and skin protection, respiratory protection, engineering and administrative controls, environmental monitoring, and more.
Respiratory Diseases.
Overview; objectives; interventions & resources; understanding respiratory diseases; and more.
What are marijuana's effects on lung health? National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Effects of smoking marijuana on lungs. Box on "deaths related to vaping marijuana."
Vaping and Lung Illness. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Outbreak report. What people can do, avoid, information for health care providers, and more.
Diseases, muscles & sketeton
All Diseases and Conditions. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. National Institutes of Health. Also Información de salud (en español).. Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH).
A-Z list of diseases that fall under the category. Mobile-friendly. "For each health topic, you’ll find a “Basics” version, which provides essential facts, and an “In-Depth” version, which provides more details."
Benefits of Physical Activity. CDC.
"Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health." Page topics cover: Immediate Benefits; Weight Management; Reduce Your Health Risk; Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles; Improve Your Ability to do Daily Activities and Prevent Falls; and Increase Your Chances of Living Longer.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, diagnosis and tests; related issues; specifics; genetics; reference desk, and much more.
Bone Health for Life: Health Information Basics for You and Your Family. NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center.
Provides a detailed overview of the need for bone health. Defines osteoporosis, who gets it, risks, how one knows if one has it, what to do to make bones healthier, and more. Right hand side has links to page in four other languages, related resources, and partner resources. Scroll down for boxes that list sources of calcium and recommended calcium and vitamin D intake.
Bones, Joints and Muscles Topics. MedlinePlus.
Alphabetical list of terms. Select term to learn more about it. Thorough overviews.
Introduction to the Muscular System. SEER Training Modules. National Cancer Institute.
Review of the muscular system in humans. Click on highlighted terms to see pop up definitions. Other sections follow.
Introduction to the Skeletal System. SEER Training Modules. National Cancer Institute.
Review of the skeletal system in humans. Click on highlighted terms to see pop up definitions. Other sections follow.
Muscle and Bone Diseases. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. NIH.
Scroll down to see various diseases and their definitions. Click on individual disease name for an in-depth overview of it: who gets, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, who treats, living with, and more. Scroll further to see research areas, and other news.
Muscle Disorders. Also called: Myopathy. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, diagnosis and tests, related issues, specifics, genetics, and more.
Overview: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace. OSHA. U.S. Department of Labor.
"Workers in many different industries and occupations can be exposed to risk factors at work, such as lifting heavy items, bending, reaching overhead, pushing and pulling heavy loads, working in awkward body postures and performing the same or similar tasks repetitively. Exposure to these known risk factors for MSDs increases a worker's risk of injury." Impact of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace and process for protecting workers. Right side lists examples of MSDs and links to existing guidelines.
Definitions, risks, diagnoses, testing, treatment, and much more.
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Guidelines divided by age group and then situations (e.g. pregnancy) and conditions (e.g. chronic health problems).
Understanding Muscle Health. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. NIH.
Featured resources on various conditions. Guides to exercise. Links to additional resources.
What is the strongest muscle in the human body? Everyday Mysteries. Library of Congress.
Turns out there is no one answer, but page discusses the different ways strength can be measured and the three types of muscles in humans. A list of strongest muscles and why follows (some neat historical pictures are on the page too). Scroll further down to see related web sites and further reading.
Disease, various organs
Aging Changes in Organs, Tissues, and Cells. MedlinePlus.
Goes over four basic types of tissues and what it does. Aging changes. Terms to describe cell changes.
Organ Donation
Ethical Principles in the Allocation of Human Organs. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Regulatory requirement, allocation policies and access to the waiting list, ethical principles, resolution of conflict among principles, and context.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, related issues, clinicals trials, and more.
Organ Donation Statistics. HRSA.
Statistics at a glance then more detailed numbers such as by ethnicity.
Diseases: HIV, AIDS
There are encyclopedia articles about AIDS that can be read by CSU affiliates: "AIDS" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health and "AIDS" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. There is also an entire reference book: HIV/AIDS that "Includes information on the nature of AIDS/HIV and the AIDS epidemic; symptoms and transmittal; patterns and trends in AIDS/HIV surveillance;" and much more.
AIDS/HIV. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Find information and publications related to nutrition and AIDS/HIV, including nutrition tips, food safety and exercise
HIV (CDC). Also VIH (en español). CDC.
Current topic, basics, clinicians, public health partners, reserouce library, campaigns, risk reduction tool, and more.
HIV/AIDS. Also called: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS, HIV, Human immunodeficiency virus. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, see play and learn, resesarch, resources, for you. Summary, dianosis and tests, prevention and risk factors, related issues, statistics and research, and more.
HIV basics: symptoms; what are HIV and AIDS; how is HIV transmitted? U.S. statistics; global statistics, and more. Learning opportunities (webinars) and blog. Special information regarding Covid-19 and persons with HIV,
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base. U.S. Census Bureau.
Documentation in pdf: user's guide; quick guide; and general terms. "The HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base is a compilation of information from widely scattered small-scale surveys on the AIDS pandemic and HIV seroprevalence (infection) in population groups in developing countries."
HIV/AIDS Statistics. Indian Health Service. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Statistics, infection rates of Native Americans, diagnoses and deaths, and charts.
HIV and AIDS. Office on Women's Health.
Basics, women and HIV, HIV prevention, living with HIV, resources, and health topics.
HIV and AIDS: Medicines to Help You. U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Also in PDF_HIVandAIDS.
Quick facts, helpful tips, types of HIV drugs, questions to ask doctor, risks and side effects, details about the drugs, and more.
HIV Database. U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.
Sequence Database, Immunology database, and other viruses.
HIV Infection and Cancer Risk. National Cancer Institute. NIH.
Risk factors, infectious agents, and more. Q & A. "People infected with HIV have a substantially higher risk of some types of cancer compared with uninfected people of the same age."
HIV Vaccines.
Information about research currently seeking a vaccine. "NIH is investing in multiple approaches to prevent HIV, including a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HHS. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Quick facts: what is, how spread, symptoms, tests?, risk factors, and more.
Immunizations and People with HIV.
"Vaccines are especially important for people with chronic health conditions like HIV, which can make it harder to fight off vaccine-preventable diseases like pneumococcal disease or the flu." Explains what vaccines are, those recommended for people with HIV, safe types for people living with HIV, and more.
Mental Health and HIV.
"Having a serious illness, like HIV, can be [a] source of major stress." List of symptoms of depression, getting help, programs, services, and more.
Sexually transmitted infections and HIV. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Links to pages on: prevention and care, community involvement, data, health care professionals, funded partners, and contacts.
Many states have their own HIV/AIDS programs.
Physical Health
Benefits of Physical Activity. CDC.
"Read about the benefits for improving your brain health, weight management, reducing disease, strengthening your bones and muscles, and improving your ability to do everyday activities."
Exercise and Physical Fitness. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, see, play, and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary, start here, related issues, specifics, statistics and research, and more.
Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being.
"Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is a multi-dimensional concept that includes domains related to physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning. It goes beyond direct measures of population health, life expectancy, and causes of death, and focuses on the impact health status has on quality of life."
Medical Encyclopedia. MedlinePlus.
"The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia includes over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It also contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations."
Physical Activity. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP).
Overview, rationale, understanding physical activity, and emerging issues.
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2nd edition. 2018. 118 pages (PDF). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans is an essential resource for health professionals and policymakers as they design and implement physical activity programs, policies, and promotion initiatives. It provides information that helps Americans make healthy choices for themselves and their families, and discusses evidence-based, community-level interventions that can make being physically active the easy choice in all the places where people live, learn, work, and play." Key guidelines. Appendices with behaviors and resources.
Physical Activity Resources. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"There are many organizations that offer credible and practical resources on physical activity. Use these resources for ideas on how to incorporate activity into your daily life." Multiple links off to more information. For example:
- Physical Health in Developing Adolescents. Overview, clinical preventive service, youth with chronic conditions & disabilities, healthcare transition for adolescents, healthy behaviors, vaccines, and national and state data sheets.
Physical Health. Safe Supportive Learning. National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments.
Link of health with educational attainment. "Physical health is the physical wellbeing of the school community and its members."
Physical Wellness Toolkit. Also Su Cuerpo (en español). National Institutes of Health.
6 strategies for improving health. "Flip each card below for checklists on how to improve your health in each area."
Stress and Your Health. Office on Women's Health.
Information on stress and that "long-term stress can lead to serious health problems."
Your Physical Health. National Cancer Institute. Center for Cancer Research. NIH.
Cancer treatment can cause physical effect to the body. Page covers exercise, sleep, nutrition, and symptom management.
Sexual Health
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Health. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, related issues, statistics and research, children, teenagers, men, women, and more.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health.
Overview, objectives, resources, LGBT health concerns, and more.
Reproductive and Sexual Health. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion ODPHP.
Overview & impact; life stages & determinants, latest data, health indicators, and related resources and more.
"Safe sex means taking steps before and during sex that can prevent you from getting an infection, or from giving an infection to your partner." List of diseases (currently about half have links to additional information) and advice on topics to discuss before having sex with someone.
"The World Health Organization defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality." Sections on sexually transmitted diseases; reproductive health; sexual violence prevention; healthy pregnancy; HIV/AIS prevention; LGBT health; public health topics; and related links.
- Safer Sexual Behaviors.
- Sexual Health and Disease Prevention.
- Sexual Orientation Information Frequently Asked Questions. National Center for Health Statistics.
- What Works: Sexual Health Education.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, diagnosis and tests, related issues, specifics, and more.
Sexual Health. MyHealthfinder.
Recommendations and advice on which questions to ask when making choices, sexual and other concerns.
Sexual Health Issues in Women with Cancer. National Cancer Institute. NIH.
Possible side effects of treatments on sexuality of women. Ways to manage the issues and questions to ask a health professional.
Sexually Transmitted Infections.
"Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are very common among people who are sexually active. Anyone who has sex is at risk, including people with HIV. STIs are also commonly referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)." List of diseases, what activities can put someone at risk for STIs, and more.
Sexuality in Later Life. National Institute on Aging. NIH.
Subjects covered: What Are Normal Changes?; What Causes Sexual Problems?; Am I Too Old to Worry About Safe Sex?; Can Emotions Play a Part?; and What Can I Do?
Talking with Your Teens about Sex: Going Beyond “the Talk.” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. CDC.
4 page fact sheet aimed at parents of teens offering practical actions. These help promote their teen's health. Lists topics to discuss. Links to resources that parents can consult for these conversations.
Teen Sexual Health. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary, specifics, and more.
Sexual Health. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Attributes of a sexually healthy person; family planning, sexually transmitted infections/HIV; lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual (LGBT) health; sexual violence prevention, and youth sexual health. Select terms for more detailed information.
Weight, BMI
"Weight and Physical Health" are given an extensive overview available to CSU affiliates in Weight in America: Obesity, Eating Disorders, and Other Health Risks. Also potentially of interest to affiliates is "Weight Management" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests.
Calculate BMI
Information about determining BMI and effects on health of obesity on the human heart. "BMI is not always the best way to decide whether you need to lose weight. If you have more or less muscle than is normal, your BMI may not be a perfect measure of how much body fat you have."
Calculate Your Body Mass Index. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. NIH. Part of Aim for a Healthy Weight.
Type in your height (feet/inches) and weight (in pounds) and compute. BMI categories on side break down underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obesity. The larger site notes that "[r]eaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and can help you prevent and control many diseases and conditions."
- Body Mass Index Table 1.
- See also: Adult BMI Calculator. Also Calculadora del IMC para adultos: Sistema inglés (en español). CDC.
Healthy Weight & Management
Birth Weight. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary information and more with links.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary, related issues, specifics, and more.
Healthy Weight (BMI). Also Peso saludable (en español). CDC.
"Two ways to get a ballpark idea if your weight is healthy or not: body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference." Focus on healthy weight with food for life, tips, and more.
- Rethink Your Drink. Also ¡Reconsidere lo que bebe! (en español).Note: "calories from drinks can really add up."
- Healthy Weight. Also Peso Saludable (en español). "The key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight isn’t about short-term dietary changes. It’s about a lifestyle that includes healthy eating, regular physical activity, and balancing the calories you consume with the calories your body uses."
Healthy Weight (OWH). Office on Women's Health.
"What is a healthy weight? The answer is different for everyone. But it’s important to know what a healthy weight is for you."
Healthy Weight USDA.
Links to details on body image, physical activity, strategies for success, weight management fo youth, and what you shouls know about popular diets.
Nutrition and Weight Status. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP).
Top level tabs for Overview, Objectives, Interventions & Resources, and National Snapshots. "Diet and body weight are related to health status." "Access to and availability of healthier foods can help people follow healthful diets."
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary, start here, treatments and therapies, living with, specifics, and more.
Weight Management (NAL). National Agricultural Library. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Questions and answers with links off to more details. Topics include weight loss, weight gain, and more.
Overweight & Obesity
Health Risks of Being Overweight. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. NIH.
Answers the question: "What kinds of health problems are linked to overweight and obesity?" List of possible ailments.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary, start here, diagnosis and tests, related issues, specifics, genetics, statistics and research, and more.
Obesity and Cancer Fact Sheet. National Cancer Institute.
Q & A on connection between the two. Addresses the evidence and studies.
"CDC’s Obesity efforts focus on policy and environmental strategies to make healthy eating and active living accessible and affordable for everyone." Data & statistics; resources, and more.
Overweight and Obesity (NIH). Also known as Adiposity. Also Sobrepeso y obesidad (en español). National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. NIH.
Introduction; causes, risk factors; screening and prevention; signs, symptoms, and complications; diagnosis; treatment; living with; research for your health, and more.
Obesity in Children. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, see, play and learn, research, resources, for you. Summary information, diagnosis and tests, prevention and risk factors, treatments and therapies, and more.
Weight and Obesity. OWH.
"Extra weight leads to many diseases that affect women, such as heart disease, diabetes, and many cancers." Questions and answers on causes, how common these are, and other related topics.
Weight-Loss and Weight-Management Devices. U.S. Food & Drug Administration. FDA.
"FDA-regulated medical devices can help patients lose or manage their weight. The FDA categorizes devices as weight-loss or weight-management devices based on the amount of weight a person is expected to lose." Names of devices and links to more information about them.
Underweight & Related Weight Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa. Also Bulimia and Binge Eating.
Causes and symptoms.
Eating Disorders. MedlinePlus.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary with q & a--types, causes, who is at risk, symptoms, how diagnoses, and treatments. Other topics.
Eating Disorders. NIMH. National Institute of Mental Health.
Signs and symptoms of various conditions. Risk factors, treatments and therapies, psychotherapies, medications, and more.
- Eating Disorders: About More Than Food. Also in PDF, ePub, order a free hardcopy, and en español.
Eating Disorders in Adolescence, April 2018. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Information about eating disorders in Q & A format. Covers prevention of eating disorders and what to do if see the signs of a disorder.
If You Need to Gain Weight.
Recommendations for gaining weight in a healthful way.
Prevalence of Underweight Among Adults Aged 20 and Over: United States, 1960–1962 Through 2011–2012. National Center for Health Statistics. CDC. Also in PDF.
"Poor nutrition or underlying health conditions in adults can result in underweight. Results from the 2011–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), using measured heights and weights, indicate that an estimated 1.7% of U.S. adults aged 20 and over are underweight."
Explains: "when your weight is lower than what is considered healthy for your height, can be a sign of a serious health problem." Q & A on causes and remedies..
Your Health during Pregnancy: Healthy Weight Gain. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Depending upon a woman's BMI type the recommended weight gain and rate of it during pregnancy. Concerns for baby and mother if weight gain is too much or too little.
Food--Health Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP).
Includes links to dietary guidelines (listed under Food-Eating), physical activity guidelines, health literacy and communication, and health care quality and patient safety.
Healthy People 2020 (2030). Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP).
"Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans." "Healthy People 2020 is the result of a multiyear process that reflects input from a diverse group of individuals and organizations." Look through topics & objectives (note: "new" entries were not included in Healthy People 2010), leading health indicators, data search (baseline, target, desired direction), healthy people in action, tools & resources, and more.
State Retail and Food Services Codes and Regulations by State. FDA U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
State by state retail sites and food codes. Alphabetical.
Water and Health
Read about Human health and water* for a quick summary of the topic.
Drinking Water Contaminant Human Health Effects Information. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Topics covered on the page are: Drinking Water Standards and Advisory Tables; Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides; Human Health and Drinking Water Advisory Documents for Chemical Contaminants Regulatory Support Documents for Chemical Contaminants; Human Health and Drinking Water Advisory Documents for Microbial Contaminants; Fluoride Risk Assessment and Relative Source Contaminants.
Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFOA and PFOS. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
"To provide Americans, including the most sensitive populations, with a margin of protection from a lifetime of exposure to PFOA and PFOS from drinking water, EPA has established the health advisory levels at 70 parts per trillion."
Get the Facts: Drinking Water and Intake. CDC. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"Drinking enough water every day is good for overall health." Overview and links to resources. Divided by adults and youth.
Healthy Water. CDC. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
"Clean and safe drinking water is critical to sustain human life and without it waterborne illness can be a serious problem."
Water & Nutrition. CDC. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Basics on the importance of water in promotion of human health.
- Ashbolt, Nicholas J. "Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water and Human Health from Community Water Systems." Current Environmental Health Reports 2.1 (March 2015): 95–106.
- Leung, Ho Wing et al. “Pharmaceuticals in Tap Water: Human Health Risk Assessment and Proposed Monitoring Framework in China.” Environmental Health Perspectives 121.7 (2013): 839–846.
- Popkin, Barry M., Kristen E. D’Anci, and Irwin H. Rosenberg. “Water, Hydration and Health.” Nutrition Reviews 68.8 (2010): 439–458.
- Sengupta, Pallav. “Potential Health Impacts of Hard Water.” International Journal of Preventive Medicine 4.8 (2013): 866–875.
*Kelley, Karen E., and Edward F. Vitzthum. "Human Health and Water." Water: Science and Issues, edited by E. Julius Dasch, vol. 2, Macmillan Reference USA, 2003, pp. 180-186.
Non-Human Health
Laws and Regulations that Apply to Your Agricultural Operation by Farm Activity. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA.
"This is a general description of EPA’s requirements, and should only be used as a guide. Since rules and regulations may change, use this information as a starting place to determine which regulations apply to your agricultural operation." Encourages people to "Check with your State and/or EPA Regional Office for more information." Table with details for "Livestock, Poultry and Aquaculture (including beef, dairy, swine, poultry, aquaculture)."
Review of the Welfare of Animals in Agriculture. Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry; Committee on Agriculture. House. May 8, 2007. Committee on Agriculture Serial No. 110-18. (Link is for CSU affiliates only, see html version for all and PDF version.)
447 page hearing.
United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry.
About, newsroom, hearings, legislation, nominations, library, and contact. Scroll down to see highlighted committee hearings and business meetings.
Animal Disease
Animal Disease Information. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
"Veterinary Services protects and improves the health, quality, and marketability of our nation's animals, animal products and veterinary biologics by preventing, controlling and/or eliminating animal diseases, and monitoring and promoting animal health and productivity." Specifics for aquaculture, avian, cattle and bison, cervid, equine, swine, sheep and goats, and wildlife. Section at foot lists by disease.
Animal Welfare (DoJ). U.S. Department of Justice.
"Together with the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, ENRD lawyers are working to ensure that full effect is given to the federal statutes and enforcement regimes that provide for the humane treatment of captive, farmed, and companion animals across the United States. The principal federal agency that ENRD represents in this area is the U.S. Department of Agriculture." Responsible for watching protection laws for The Animal Welfare Act, The Horse Protect Act, and more.
Animal Welfare (USDA). United States Department of Agriculture.
Home, focus (animal health, animal welfare, biotechnology, business services, civil rights, and more), resources, newsroom, pet travel, and blog tabs. Left hand side lists various animal care measures and protection acts. Scroll to see program priorities.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. USGS.
"Aquatic animal populations face unprecedented threats to their health and survival from climate change, water shortages, habitat alteration, invasive species and environmental contaminants. These environmental stressors can directly impact the prevalence and severity of disease in aquatic populations." Left hand side lists specific diseases--select to learn more about the type.
Farm Animal Diseases. National Agriculture Library. USDA.
Divided by overall themes, learn more about disease research, transmission, and eradication: general farm animal diseases, avian influenza, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), foot-and-mouth disease, and West Nile Virus.
Animals and Humans
Animal Diseases and Your Health. Also called: Zoonoses.
Basics, learn more, research, resources, for you. Summary, start here (pets and people), specifics, women, and more.
One Health: It’s for All of Us. U.S. Food & Drug Administration. FDA.
Animal health literacy. Zoonotic diseases and comparative medicine. Comparative medicine examples.
Zoonotic Diseases. CDC.
Information on how germs spread between animals and people. Who is at a higher risk from the disease and what to do to protect yourself and your family.
Bureau of Animal Protection. Colorado Department of Agriculture.
"The Bureau of Animal Protection (BAP) serves as a support mechanism to local law enforcement agencies in conducting animal cruelty and neglect investigations."
Livestock Health. Colorado Department of Agriculture. Colorado Department of Agriculture.
Reportable diseases and what to report, when to report, and how to report. List of diseases with links to more information.
The Pet Animal Care Facilities Act (PACFA). Colorado Department of Agriculture.
PACFA "Program is a licensing and inspection program dedicated to protecting the health and well-being of pet animals in facilities throughout Colorado."
Plant Disease (USDA). U.S. Department of Agriculture.
"Control strategies that are effective, affordable, and environmentally conscious are continuously being developed by USDA to reduce losses caused by plant diseases that are effective and affordable while maintaining environmental quality." Links to different sites on pest management, weed management, and plant health research.
Plant Pest and Disease Programs. USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
"PPQ responds to many new introductions of plant pests to eradicate, suppress, or contain them through various programs in cooperation with state departments of agriculture and other government agencies." Various others listed and described. Click on header for more information.
Pests and Diseases. USDA.
As of May 2020 78 of them. Search by title, or view by type such as animal disease, insects and mites, and plant diseases.
Colorado Department of Agriculture.
Animals, brands, conservation, ICS, labs, markets, plants, and state fair.
Division of Plant Industry. Colorado Department of Agriculture.
"The Division of Plant Industry provides a broad array of programs and services related to crop production, environmental health, and export certification. We are committed to a better quality of life by serving the citizens of Colorado, improving the environment, providing consumer protection and assuring the integrity of agriculture and related industries."
Información en español: Salud
Esta sección contiene información gubernamental relacionada con la salud.
Informacion en espanol AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Temas incluyen: Prevención y bienestar, Condiciones y enfermedades, Atención médica, Medicamentos, La seguridad del paciente, y Calidad de atención médica.
CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Información más visitada: Cáncer; conjuntivitis; diabetes; lavarse las manos salva vidas; Ébola; Enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS); Escarlatina; Peso saludable; Sarampión; Tuberculosis (TB); Trastornos del espectro autista; y Vacunas e inmunización. A la fecha de abril 2016 información y actualizaciones acerca del virus del Zika.
FDA en español (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)
La información en esta página es para el público en general, para profesionales y educadores de salud. Esta información puede ser distribuida y publicada sin previa autorización.
Esta página brinda enlaces a recursos del NCCIH en español sobre medicina complementaria e integral. Además, incluye enlaces a otros recursos en español relacionados con la salud. Consiga información para el consumidor, seguridad, enfermedades y tratamientos, y mas.
Prevención y bienestar; condiciones y enfermedades; atención médica; medicamentos; la seguridad del paciente y calidad de atención médica.
NIH (National Institute of Health) en espanol
Recursos para: pacientes; personas a cargo del paciente; profesionales de salud; ivestigadores; y socios internacionales. También una lista de los tipos que hay de cáncer.
Lea sobre síntomas, causas, tratamientos y prevención de más de 960 enfermedades, condiciones y temas de bienestar. MedlinePlus se revisa regularmente y los enlaces son actualizados diariamente. Hablemos de eso (US Department of Health and Human Services)
Le informacion incluye: Lo básico, Sintomas, Sobre salud mental, Cómo recibir ayuda. Temas destacados.
Temas divididos por: Contenido de los Alimentos, Manejo del Peso, Nutrición Saludable, Nutrición y Problemas de Salud, Etapas de la vida, Compras, cocina y planeación del menú, Suplementos Alimenticios, y Programas de Asistencia Nutricional. Se entregan cajas de comida a su hogar.
Platillos Latinos Sabrosos y Saludables! U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
"El Instituto Nacional del Corazón, los Pulmones y la Sangre (NHLBI, por sus siglas en inglés) ha publicado este libro de cocina para enseñar a las familias latinas a preparar una variedad de platillos populares de una manera saludable para el corazón. ¡Que viva la tradición! La cocina tradicional latina es tan variada como el patrimonio cultural de América Latina y el Caribe. Las recetas contienen toda la nutrición y el gran sabor que caracterizan esta rica herencia culinaria, pero con menor contenido de grasa saturada, grasa trans, colesterol, sodio y calorías."
Publicaciones en español National Institute of Mental Health
Hay publicaciones gratuitas. Enfoque en salud mental. Aunque no hay muchas publicaciones en español, las secciones de publicaciones son: navegar por el trastorno; navegar por tipo; y temas especiales.
Soluciones simples: ergonomía par trabajodores agrícola (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Febrero de 2001. Traducción en español julio 2002.
El trabajo agrícola es trabajo duro y los trabajadores del campo sienten los resultados. Los trabajadores agrícolas sufren lesiones y dolores en la espalda, los brazos y las manos más que ningún otro problema de salud. Una tercera parte de las lesiones que les hacen faltar al trabajo son esguinces y dislocaciones y una cuarta parte son lesiones de espalda. Estas son también las causas más comunes de incapacidad.
Virus del Zika. CDC. Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.
Información on virus del Zika. Transmisión, prevención, embarazo, y mas.
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