Business Gateways
- Business Resources (CSU LibGuide)Access several useful resources for doing business research.
- Economic Indicators (U.S. Census Bureau)Provides access to monthly and quarterly releases of key economic indicators.
- Economy (CSU LibGuide)This guide provides resources on the economy, which are also beneficial with locating business information.
- Fed Biz OppsA single point of entry for commercial vendors seeking federal markets.
- Industry Research (CSU LibGuide)Provides resources for researching industries, including links to the NAICS codes.
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)The standard is used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy
- Small Business AdministrationResources for small business owners, including women and minority groups. Regulations and programs, human resources, business data and statistics, taxes, and compliance guides, among others.
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship CouncilAdvocacy, research, education and networking organization dedicated to protecting small business and promoting entrepreneurship. Works to educate about key policies that enable business start-up and growth.
- United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE)Provides the network to advance knowledge and foster business development through entrepreneurship education and research.
- US Census Bureau"American Factfinder" is often a useful starting point.
- Wirtz Labor Library (US Dept of Labor)Resources for labor issues; includes a digital library.
Business Statistical Gateways:
- Annual Capital Expenditures SurveyProvides information on capital spending for new and used structures and equipment by U.S. nonfarm businesses.
- County Business Patterns (CBP)An annual series with economic data by industry and county. This data is useful for studying the economic activity of small areas.
- Data and Statistics about the U.S.An umbrella site linking to statistics from numerous federal agencies.
- Information and Communication Technology SurveyProvides data on both noncapitalized and capitalized spending for information and communication technology equipment and computer software. The data is listed by U.S. nonfarm businesses with employees.
- Quarterly Financial Report (QFR)Aggregate statistics on the financial position of US corporations. Uses NAICS.
- SOI Tax Stats - Business Tax Statistics (Internal Revenue Service)Income studies that provide statistics on income, deductions, taxes, credits, and more relating to the business sector.
- Statistical Data Sources (CSU LibGuides)Contains several useful resources for gathering statistical data. Sources cover local information to international.
- Statistics of US Businesses (SUSB)Tabulates data items for companies, establishments, employment, annual payroll, and receipts.
- Survey of Business Owners (SBO)Data on selected economic and demographic characteristics for businesses and business owners by gender, ethnicity, race, and veteran status. Uses NAICS.
- Tax Statistics (Internal Revenue Service)A wide range of tables, articles, and data that describe and measure elements of the U.S. tax system.
- US Bureau of Labor StatisticsIncludes inflation and consumer spending, wages, productivity, employment and unemployment, and other measures.
- US Bureau Of Labor Statistics Regional InformationSelect the Kansas City region to locate information for Colorado.
- US Department of CommerceIncludes links to a number of statistical agencies.
Demographic and Economic Statistics:
- Bureau of Labor Statistics Demographic DataView Bureau of Labor Statistics information arranged by various demographic categories.
- Consumer Price IndexesMonthly data on prices paid by urban consumers for representative goods and services.
- Current Population SurveyA monthly survey of 50,000 households regarding labor force characteristics.
- Economic Report of the President (FRASER)Accesses the Annual Report to the President by the Council of Economic Advisers Budget of the United States Government, a detailed annual report online since 1947. The print version is at the call number PR 39.9 Doc, with the latest located at the Info Desk.
- Producer Price IndexesMeasures changes in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.
Colorado: Business and Statistical Resources:
- Economics: Colorado & Larimer Co. (CSU LibGuide)This guide provides resources with information specific to assist Colorado economic research online.
- Business Center (Secretary of State)Both this page and the "Business & Licensing" home page, have several useful business resources for Colorado. Information on business, documents, search tools, regulations, and other useful items can be found within this site.
- Business Economic Outlook (CU Boulder Leeds School of Business)Search the Leeds site for the Annual "Business Economic Outlook" report.
- Colorado Business PortalThere are a few useful places within this website for business information. Click on "business" from the menu link at the top of this Official State Web Portal. "Online Services" also provides business resources under the "business" option. Gateways for online services and information for private-sector employers.
- Colorado State Demography OfficeStatistics on population, households, the economy, the labor force, and other topics.
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Office of the State Comptroller)Includes historical and demographic statistics about Colorado.
- Department of Labor & Employment (CDLE)Useful for Colorado employment and unemployment data, wages, and other employment statistics.
- Labor Market Information for Economists and ResearchersEmphasizes statistical data; from the Department of Labor & Employment.
International Trade:
- Data Releases (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)Site contains links to "International Summary Statistics" in addition to other resources for Domestic and International trade statistics.
- Federal Trade Commission International informationSite primarily provides policy information for International commerce for the protection of the US consumer.
- Foreign Trade Statistics (US Census Bureau)Includes country/product trade data, state export data, and historical data.
- InternationalInternational information about importing and exporting consumer products to the U.S. provided by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
- International Business Tax Statistics (Internal Revenue Service)Income studies relating to the international business sector, including recent and historical data.
- International Economic Accounts (Bureau of Economic Analysis)Balance of payments, trade in goods and services, and numerous other statistical series.
- International Education Statistics WebsitesLinks to international sites containing statistics that may be of interest compiled by NCES.
- International Labor ComparisonsILC data are used to assess U.S. economic and labor market performance relative to that of other countries and to evaluate the competitive position of the United States in increasingly global markets.
- International Marketing (CSU LibGuide)Resources for finding information on international marketing topics.
- Nations of the World (CSU LibGuide)This LibGuide provides additional resources for locating information on International business.
- Trade StatisticsInternational Trade Administration provides a variety of data series and reports. There are a variety of topics listed under the "Trade Topics" tab.
Export Import Information:
- (US Commercial Service)Helps US companies find new international business partners in world markets. Provides information for exporting to other countries.
- Export.govFederal government portal with export basics, market research, and trade leads.
- Foreign Trade : Schedule B Export Codes (US Census Bureau)Assigns identification codes for products leaving the US. View current and obsolete export codes.
- United States International Trade CommissionIncludes the Harmonized Tariff Schedule and import export data.
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Jocelyn Boice
Colorado State University
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