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CSU Buildings and Grounds History

A history of CSU's building and grounds from 1870 to the present.

Veterinary Science Building/Veterinary Hospital, 1920-1995

A long single-storied, white brick with tiled roof building with a sign reading "Veterinary Hospital".

Veterinary Hospital, 1925

From CSU's Sense of Place:  A Campus History of Colorado's Land-Grant University, by James E. Hansen, Gordon A. Hazard, and Linda M. Meyer.  Fort Collins, CO:  Colorado State University, 2018.

Architect - Eugene G. Groves

From its opening in October 1920 until the spring of 1950, this structure served as the Veterinary Hospital.  Architect Eugene G. Groves designed the building to replace the original five buildings that stood along West Laurel Street that had served as the College’s veterinary hospital since 1907.  This would be the first of many buildings to grace the campus that would be designed by Eugene G. Groves.

The new hospital had classrooms on the second floor of the north wing.  The first floor of the north wing housed the hospital section that included an operating room equipped with a state-of-the-art Bradwood mechanical operating table designed to handle large animals.  The tiered-seat structure in the clinical amphitheater was movable to allow viewing of the surgeries from different angles.  The operating room also had a small animal operating table, instrument table, an autoclave sterilizer, and an overhead track designed to assist in moving anesthetized large animals by means of a sling.  They could easily be moved from the operating room to the recuperation stalls in the south wing of the building.  Adjoining the operating room were the drug and instrument room, x-ray and photographic rooms.

The south wing also featured isolation stalls which opened only to the outside and accommodated large animals afflicted with contagious diseases.  The second floor was the hay loft to provide feed for large animals in the stalls below.  The south wing also housed a ward for small animals.  This ward was fitted with steel cages, concrete floors, watering troughs, and a white enamel bathtub for bathing small animals.

The west wing contained the Anatomy Laboratory and had several five-foot-deep tanks along its north wall filled with embalming fluid and tagged specimens alongside.  At the extreme west end of the building was an incinerator where all refuse from the building was burned.

In 1935, a remodeling was done to the original building and a new west wing for treating large animals was constructed.  The south wing that was originally used as a large and small animal ward was remodeled into wards for treating small animals as well as an office and an X-ray room.  The original hay loft over the south wing was made into a large classroom that could accommodate all the veterinary students at one time.  In 1939, additional barns were constructed as the hospital complex grew.  A permanent amphitheater was constructed in the operating room in late 1939.

In 1950, the new Glover Veterinary Hospital replaced this hospital complex as the main Veterinary facility on campus.  Now called the “Veterinary Science Building”, the old hospital was remodeled in the summer of 1951 and taken over by the Departments of Anatomy and Physiology.  Two more additions were made in 1961 and 1967 as the old hospital building continued to serve the needs of the campus.

Most of the old veterinary hospital barn structure that stood between the old hospital building and the Glover Hospital was demolished in 1980.  One small portion on the north end continued to stand until it was removed in 1982 to make room for the upcoming expansion of the Glover Building and upgrading its facilities for the College of Engineering and the Office of Telecommunications.  The opening of the Natural and Environmental Sciences Building in October 1994 allowed this building to be vacated.  During the summer of 1995, the old hospital building was razed.  This cleared the site to be landscaped into a small quadrangle that became the Water Plaza during the summer of 2000. 

Sources by Gordon A. Hazard

C.A.C. Alumnus, May 1919, pages 1and 4, vol. 1, number 1.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Minutes, February 27, 1920, page 102.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Minutes, May 8, 1920, page 112, vol. Jan. 1917 – Aug. 1930.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, June 28, 1920, page 117.

C.A.C. Alumnus, August 1920, page 8, vol. 2, numbers 2 and 3.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Minutes, August 26, 1920, page 121.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, September 16, 1920, page 1, col. 4, vol. XXX, number 1.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, October 21, 1920, page 1, col. 4, vol. XXX, number 6.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, December 2, 1920, page 1, col. 6, vol. XXX, number 12.

State Board of Agriculture Minutes, December 8, 1920, page 375.

Fort Collins Morning Express, January 8, 1921, page 8, col. 4, “Buildings Not to be Dedicated Now”.

C.A.C. Alumnus, February 1921, page 1, vol. 2, number 5.

C.A.C. Alumnus, March 1921, pages 1-2, vol. 2, number 6.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, February 2, 1922, pages 3 and 4, vol. XXXI, number 18.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, October 3, 1922, page 1, col. 3, vol. XXXII, number 6.

Colorado Agricultural College Bulletin, “Building Conditions at the Colorado State Institutions of Higher Learning”, series XXV, number 8, December 1926, page 25.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Minutes, September 22, 1933, page 163.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Minutes, October 20, 1933, page 171, vol. Sept. 1930 – Aug. 1940.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, September 6, 1935, page 1, col. 7, vol. XLV, number 1.

State Board of Agriculture Minutes, October 14, 1935, page 226.

State Board of Agriculture Minutes, December 11, 1935, page 250.

The Colorado State College Alumnus, January 1938, pages 1- 6, vol. 18, number 7.

State Board of Agriculture Executive Committee Minutes, September 15, 1939, page 340, vol. Sept. 1930 – Aug. 1940.

“Long Range Development Program”, Report to the Colorado State Planning Commission, March 1952, pages 10, 12, 13, 21, 27 and campus maps.

“Projections 1964”, booklet from the CSU Planning and Physical Plant, page 17.

“A History of Colorado State University 1870 – 1974”, by James E. Hansen II, 1974.

Fort Collins Journal, October 26, 1977, page 1, vol. LXXXVI, number 56.

“Democracy’s College in the Centennial State – A History of Colorado State University” by James E. Hansen II, 1977, p. 202.

Summer Bulletin 1980 Colorado State University, spring 1980.

Summer Bulletin 1981 Colorado State University, spring 1981.

The Collegian, September 25, 1981, page 15, vol. XC, number 23.

Colorado State University 1982 Summer Bulletin, spring 1982.

Colorado State University 1983 Summer Bulletin, spring 1983.

Comment, April 15, 1993, page 1, vol. 23, number 25.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, May 3, 1993, page 3, vol. 101, issue 151.

Comment, August 24, 1995, page 3, vol. 26, number 1.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, September 19, 1995, page 3, vol. 104, number 28.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, September 26, 1996, page 1, vol. 105, issue 31.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, November 10, 1997, pages 1 and 6, vol. 106, issue 56.

Comment, April 15, 1999, pages 1-2, vol. 29, number 27.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, August 25, 2000, page 9, vol. 109, number 6.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, September 5, 2003, page 1, vol. 112, number 8.

Rocky Mountain Collegian, August 26, 2005, page 2a, vol. 114, number 13.

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